Donald Murray (politician)

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Donald Murray JP ( October 21, 1862 - July 6, 1923 ) was a Scottish Liberal Party politician .


Murray was born in 1862 to Allan Murray and Isabella . He attended the Free Church School in Stornoway and then studied medicine at the University of Glasgow and the University of Aberdeen . Murray got his first job at Alex Macpherson's pharmacy in Stornoway. There he met the owner's daughter, Janet Catherine Grace , whom he married in 1889. The couple fathered five children, two sons and three daughters.

Murray was appointed health officer for Stornoway and Lewis, and school doctor for Lewis, Western Ross and Cromarty . He also served as Justice of the Peace for Ross and Cromarty . Murray was also chairman of the Stornoway School Committee and the Nicolson Institute . He died in 1923.

Political career

In the general election of 1918 Murray ran for the Liberal Party for the mandate of the newly created constituency of Western Isles . He prevailed against the candidate of the Coalition Liberals , William Cotts , with a difference of 390 votes and moved into the British House of Commons for the first time . In the following elections Cotts , who had meanwhile been raised to baronet, ran again against Murray. Cotts was considered the favorite of William Lever, 1st Viscount Leverhulmes , the owner of the island. Cotts surprisingly prevailed against Murray with a difference of 939 votes. Murray resigned from the House of Commons and did not run for any further election. The reasons for his defeat were both Murray's lack of ties due to his long absence as a result of his parliamentary activities, as well as his oppositional behavior to Lever's plans, which increasingly found approval among the islanders.

Individual evidence

  1. Donald Murray (politician) in Hansard (English)
  2. a b Biographical information
  3. a b Information from the Stornoway Historical Society ( Memento of the original from January 16, 2015 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link has been inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  4. ^ Results of the general election in 1918
  5. Dignified Retreat in: Roger Hutchinson: The Soap Man: Lewis, Harris and Lord Leverhulme , Birlinn, Edinburgh, 2003. ISBN 978-1-8415-8184-2

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