Donna Lamping

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Donna Louise Lamping (born February 12, 1953 in Toronto , Canada , † June 8, 2011 in London , United Kingdom ) was a Canadian psychologist who specialized in patient perception during chronic illnesses.


The daughter of Helen Aiello Lamping and Vincent Lamping grew up in the Willowdale neighborhood of Toronto. She attended Loretto Abbey School before studying Psychology at the University of Waterloo . After graduating, she received a PhD scholarship from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada for Harvard University in the United States . There she did her doctorate in the early 1980s on the question of how the chronically ill adapt to the inevitable psychological stressful situations that their illnesses bring with them.

Following a research position at Harvard, Lamping became an assistant professor at McMaster University in Hamilton , Fordham University in New York and McGill University in Montreal . During this time, she studied how persistent physical illnesses affect patients' psyches. Initially her focus was on kidney diseases, later she devoted herself more to AIDS patients.

In 1991 she married the language and social psychologist Itesh Sachdev in a Buddhist ceremony in Nepal. Sachdev, whom she had met during her time in Hamilton, was at that time a professor at Birkbeck College in London. In order not to have to have an intercontinental relationship, Lamping switched to the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine , where she was appointed Professor of Psychology and Dean of Graduate Studies in the course of her academic career . She was a long-time member of the International Society for Quality of Life Studies (ISQOLS) and in 2007 also its president.

During her entire scientific career, Lamping devoted herself to psychometrics and developed several questionnaires and procedures to make the pain and general sensation of long-term patients measurable. After suffering from diabetes mellitus in the 1990s, she was diagnosed with colon cancer in 2010 . She succumbed to this cancer in June 2011.


  • Review of the literature on HIV infection and mental health. Health and Welfare Canada, 1990, ISBN 0-662-57720-5 .

Individual evidence

  1. a b Obituary on, accessed on July 27, 2015
  2. a b Obituary on (English) accessed on July 27, 2015
  3. ^ A b N. Black, N. Aaronson: Donna Lamping (1953-2011). In: Quality of life research: an international journal of quality of life aspects of treatment, care and rehabilitation. Volume 20, number 10, December 2011, pp. 1755-1756, doi : 10.1007 / s11136-011-0047-9 , PMID 22038395 , PMC 3220811 (free full text).
  4. a b Obituary on accessed on July 27, 2015