Breitenberg village church

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The church seen from the south
The interior seen to the east

The Breitenberg Church is a late Baroque hall church without a tower . It is slightly elevated on a dune residue in the small town of Breitenberg (Holstein) in the Stör lowlands. The parish of Breitenberg includes the seven Moordörfer Auufer , Breitenberg, Kronsmoor , Moordiek , Moordorf , Westermoor and Wittenbergen .


1139 Count Adolf II donated a large part of the parish to Neumünster Abbey (later Bordesholm).

1164 The Breitenberg church is mentioned for the first time under the name Ichhorst (yew bushes).

1521 A large storm surge caused considerable damage. The monastery’s funds - which also have to meet high tax demands - are insufficient for reconstruction.

1526 The lands of the monastery are therefore sold to the general knight Johann Rantzau , who becomes the patron of the parish.

1581 The rectory in the form of a thatched cross hall house is built.

1756 The church is so damaged by lightning that it has to be abandoned.

1764–1767 The builder Wilhelm Bardewiek from Glückstadt built the current church. Bardewiek is a student of Ernst Georg Sonnin . The church in Horst (Holstein) is also one of his works.

1768 consecration of the new church. Georg Philipp Telemann composed the music for the celebration . The manuscript is still preserved in the church today.

1877 A free-standing wooden bell tower is built.

1968 The church is renovated. The white plaster is replaced by red brick.

1994 The roof turret is renewed and covered with copper sheet.


The late baroque brick hall church has the shape of an elongated octagon. The mansard roof has a square ridge turret with an octagonal lantern and pointed helmet in the middle . The outer walls are structured by pilaster strips , large arched windows in the side walls illuminate the interior.

Inside, a hollow vault covers the hall space, flat ceilings are on the long sides above the galleries , which enclose the church space in a U-shape. There are two closed boxes right next to the altar and two more under the gallery. The latter are structured by pilasters and cornices .


The pulpit altar
The baptismal angel

Pulpit altar

The late Baroque pulpit altar dates from the construction time in 1767. The five-sided pulpit is closed at the top by a sound cover with a volute crown . To the right and left are two pillars on which trombone-blowing putti sit. In the essay above the pulpit there are two coats of arms and in a cartouche the inscription: "Blessed are those who hear God's word and keep it". In addition, initials show the year of origin 1767. The painting under the pulpit depicts Jesus and the children. It was painted in oil on canvas by B. Ross in 1854. Two pews with carved volute cheeks belong to the altar.


The pneumatic organ comes from the organ builder Wilhelm Sauer from Frankfurt (Oder). It was built in 1900 as opus 832. The late baroque prospect by Johann Hinrich Mittelheuser from 1767 was included. In 1998 the organ was restored. The original of the cone shop instrument from the romantic era has been preserved and has 14  registers , which are divided between two manuals and a pedal . The playing and stop actions are mechanical.

I Hauptwerk C – g 3
1. Drone 16 ′
2. Principal 08th'
3. Flood 08th'
4th Gemshorn 08th'
5. octave 04 ′
6th Cornett III-IV 00 02 23
II Swell C – g 3
7th Violin principal 08th'
8th. Dumped 08th'
9. Aeoline 08th'
10. Voix Celeste 08th'
11. Flauto Dolce 04 ′
Pedal C – f 1
12. Sub bass 16 ′
13. Violon 16 ′
14th octave 08th'

Baptism angel

The painted wooden baptismal angel floats in front of the altar. The 1.40 m long figure dates from the 18th century. In his hand he holds an oval baptismal bowl made of alabaster with a brass wreath.


The brass chandelier from 1695 has eight light arms. It shows Jupiter riding an eagle .


  • Leaflet about the church from the parish of Breitenberg
  • Information board at the church
  • Art Topography Schleswig-Holstein, Neumünster 1982, ISBN 3-529-02627-1

Individual evidence

  1. Information on the organ

Web links

Commons : Dorfkirche Breitenberg  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Coordinates: 53 ° 55 ′ 28.1 ″  N , 9 ° 38 ′ 6.5 ″  E