Village church Nonnendorf

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Village church Nonnendorf

The evangelical village church Nonnendorf is a hall church in Nonnendorf , a district of the municipality Niederer Fläming in the district of Teltow-Fläming in the state of Brandenburg . The church belongs to the parish of Zossen Fläming the Evangelical Church Berlin-Brandenburg-Silesian Oberlausitz .


The federal highway 102 runs from the northwest in an easterly direction past the place. The historic center of the street village extends along the village street that branches off to the north . There the church stands west of the street on a piece of land. It is not geosted .


Nonnendorf was first mentioned in a document in 1235 as Nannendorf. As early as 1459 the place was called a desert field mark ; In 1538 there was still a church. The current building was built in 1954 in order to offer both worship and lessons there. In 2004 a thorough renovation took place. From 2006 to 2007 the Berlin artist Uwe Mücklausch painted the building.

Building description


The simple structure was essentially made of bricks , which were then plastered . The choir is straight and moved in. On its north side is a large, double-winged wooden gate, which is supplemented by a smaller gate located to the east. On the south side is a simple, wooden gate.

The nave also has a rectangular floor plan and was built on a base made of hewn field stones . There are two tall rectangular windows on the north and south sides.

The church can be entered from the east through a gate. A recessed church tower rises above it with a rectangular sound arcade on the three accessible sides. The choir and nave have a gable roof , the tower a pyramid roof with a cross.


The church furnishings are modern, the cafeteria made of glass. Mücklausch used light shades of blue for his painting, with which he designed a wall frieze. They represent angels who are grouped around the hall.

East of the church on the opposite side of the street is a memorial that commemorates those who died in the world wars.

See also


  • Georg Dehio (arr. Gerhard Vinken et al.): Handbook of German Art Monuments - Brandenburg. Deutscher Kunstverlag, Munich / Berlin 2012, ISBN 978-3-422-03123-4 .
  • Evangelical Church District Zossen-Fläming Synodal Committee for Public Relations (Ed.): Between Heaven and Earth - God's Houses in the Church District Zossen-Fläming , Laserline GmbH, Berlin, p. 180, 2019

Web links

Commons : Dorfkirche Nonnendorf  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Nonnendorf , website of the Niederer Fläming community, accessed on January 20, 2020.
  2. Nonnendorfer church is painted with angels . In: Lausitzer Rundschau , August 19, 2006, accessed on January 20, 2020.

Coordinates: 51 ° 54 ′ 22.5 "  N , 13 ° 15 ′ 27.1"  E