Thorny eyes

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Thorny eyes
Thorny eyes

Thorny eyes

Sub-cohort : Ostariophysi
without rank: Otophysa
Order : Carp-like (Cypriniformes)
Subordination : Loach- like (Cobitoidei)
Family : Wolffish (Cobitidae)
Genre : Thorny eyes
Scientific name
Blyth , 1860

The thorn eyes ( Pangio , outdated synonym : Acanthophthalmus ) are a genus of the wolffish (Cobitidae). The bottom-dwelling freshwater fish live in Southeast Asia , including the islands of Sumatra , Borneo and Java , India and Bangladesh . They live in swamps, ponds, lakes, the still waters of larger rivers, but also in flowing streams, on mud and sand soils between fallen leaves, roots and plants. In places they are very common.

Thorn eyes feed largely on small crustaceans , such as Chydorus , Bosmina or mussel crabs (Ostracoda).


Thorn eyes have an eel-like, elongated body that is somewhat flattened on the sides. The head is scaly, the eyes are covered by a transparent skin. In front of the eye is the praeorbital spine that is characteristic of loaches. The lower mouth has three to four pairs of barbels . The pelvic fins and the short dorsal fin are located behind the middle of the body, the anal fin behind the dorsal fin. Thorn eyes have a rounded to slightly notched caudal fin . Most species are brownish, some have brown or almost black stripes on a yellowish or beige background that run down the flanks from the back. Their length is three to twelve centimeters, depending on the species.


Spotted thorn eye ( Pangio kuhlii )
Moray thorn-eye ( Pangio muraeniformis )
Java thorn eye ( Pangio oblonga )


Web links

Commons : Dornaugen ( Pangio )  - Collection of images, videos and audio files