Three bridges run

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The Drei-Brücken-Lauf is a running event that is organized every year by the city of Mainz as part of St. John's Night. In addition to the Gutenberg Marathon , it is the second major running event in the state capital. The route begins below the Rheingoldhalle and leads on a 7.8 km long course first over the Theodor-Heuss-Brücke to Mainz-Kastel and then along the right bank of the Rhine over the Maaraue to Mainz-Kostheim . There the Main is crossed on the Kostheim Bridge and the Rhine again via the Mainzer Südbrücke . The destination is on the Stresemann shore, about 400 m from the start.

The first three-bridge run was held in 1990 as the "German-American Friendship Run". Only in 2009 there was no run because the south bridge was renovated that year.

The run is also very popular as a training route with the Mainz-based people and is a bit longer due to the inevitable completion of the circuit. Due to the route, it offers panoramas of Mainz and Mainz-Kastel as well as views from the bridges into the Taunus and to Wiesbaden and is therefore also popular as a three-bridge walk.

Individual evidence
