ETCS driving permit

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Interpretation of a driving permit with a speed change to 60 km / h in 1320 m on the driver's cab display (DMI) . The permissible speed determined by the ETCS on-board unit based on the driving permit and other data is currently around 160 km / h.
Schematic representation of operation in ETCS Level 2: The ETCS driving permit is part of the "route data" in this sketch.

The ETCS-movement authority , in Switzerland ETCS driving license , English Movement Authority (MA), is in the automatic train control system European Train Control System which is transmitted from the track to the train and evaluated there (ETCS) a message. From the travel permit, the braking capacity of the train, odometry and other input data, a. ETCS braking curves are derived on which the speed monitoring of the vehicle is based.

In contrast to many other train control systems (e.g. PZB , Memor , Integra-Signum ), in which the movement of the vehicle is generally allowed until the system is influenced or intervened, the ETCS travel permit is a basic requirement for a train journey in ETCS. Without a driving permit, the vehicle can only move very slowly in all ETCS levels under special conditions.

Generation and transmission

Driving permits are generated in the permanently installed ETCS infrastructure, for ETCS levels 2 and 3 in the ETCS headquarters . The driving permit is transmitted in ETCS Level 1 (ETCS L1) by the Eurobalise or the Euroloop , in the levels 2 and 3 via radio (usually via GSM-R ). With ETCS L1, from Baseline 3 a new driving license can also be transmitted via a radio infill unit (RIU, GSM-R radio cell with short range).

The ETCS center generates the driving permit taking dynamic and static information into account. While the dynamic data (position and status reports from signals and points) are transmitted by the interlocking, the static route properties are configured in a route atlas. These include, for example, points, signals, balises , inclinations and speeds.

The German train starts from a time requirement of 0.5 seconds to create the movement authority (in the ETCS Center), and 1.5 sec for their transmission.

Content and structure

The content and structure of an ETCS driving license are described in subset 026 of the ETCS specification.

The essential elements of the ETCS driving permit are:

  • (English. At the end of the movement authority End of Movement Authority ): Place, to which the drive is allowed. Is referred to as End of Authority (EOA) if the target speed is 0 there or as Limit of Authority (LOA) if the target speed is greater than 0.
  • Danger point (engl. Danger Point lying behind the end of the movement authority point that the train can reach even safely with its tip if no:) Durchrutschweg (engl. Overlap ) is used. Danger points can be, for example, the beginning of an occupied block section, the end of a train or the boundary sign of a switch .
  • End of the slip path, if a slip path is provided: A point located behind the danger point of ETCS, which the train can still reach safely with its tip. The slip path is only valid for a certain time.
  • Permit recording mode (. English Release Speed ): At this speed, the train can approach a travel permit at target speed 0 (EOA) the end.

ETCS movement authority may be several sections ( sections include). The period of validity of each section can be limited ( section time-out ). A further timer can be used to limit the validity of the last section of the travel permit, starting with the occupancy of this section by the train. (Due to possible transmission delays of the ETCS position reports, such timers cannot be used in ETCS Level 3.)

An ETCS driving permit includes:

  • Way to the end of the driving permit, possibly divided into several sections
  • Sections as well as (optional) information on the temporal validity ( Section time-out ) as well as the route from the beginning of the section to the place where the temporal validity is canceled ( Section timer stop location )
  • For the end section ( end section ) of the driving permit, additional information on the danger point or slip path can be transmitted. In addition to the location or length (in each case based on the end of the section) and a release speed, information on the time of validity of the slip path, starting from the time a defined point is passed, can be transmitted.

The ETCS on-board unit can request a new driving permit from the ETCS control center (RBC). The RBC can specify when a new travel permit should be requested, for example when the driver presses “Start” or within a defined time before a braking curve is reached ( pertubation location ).

A driving permit can be replaced or shortened by a new one. This z. B. a continuous journey is achieved by transferring new areas of application and thus the signaled "view" of the vehicle driver is expanded.

In levels 2 and 3, the ETCS driving license is transmitted as a message ( Message 3 ) from the route to the train by radio. The data package with the actual ETCS travel permit ( Package 15 ) is preceded by variables with message identifier and length ( NID_MESSAGE , L_MESSAGE ), a time related to the time of the train ( T_TRAIN , in 10 ms steps), an expected confirmation ( M_ACK ) and the name of the last relevant balise group ( NID_LRBG ). Optionally, further packages can be transmitted with the driving permission message, including national values (package 3), interlinking information (package 5), a gradient profile (package 21), a speed profile (package 27), various route properties (e.g. overcurrent limitation , permissible Axle loads) or an ETCS operating mode (package 80).

The length of a driving permit is 1265 bits. A driving permit is usually transmitted via GSM-R in a maximum of a third of a second. The actual data package for the driving permit in level 2/3 (package 15) comprises at least 14 variables with a total volume of 82 bits. Such a travel permit only includes a section, no timeouts and timers, no slip paths, no information about the danger point.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Glossary - European Train Control System (ETCS). (PDF; 170 kB) DB Netz , May 30, 2014, p. 13 , accessed on September 12, 2018 .
  2. Project planning rules for ETCS level 2 HGS in Switzerland. Version V 1.9a. (PDF; 1.0 MB) Swiss Federal Railways (SBB, ETCS system manager ), June 28, 2012, pp. 108-109 , accessed on September 12, 2018 .
  3. Swen Lehr: Project planning and testing of ETCS line control centers . In: signal + wire . tape 97 , no. 6 , 2005, p. 14-17 .
  4. a b Study on the introduction of ETCS in the core network of the Stuttgart S-Bahn. (PDF) Final report. WSP Infrastructure Engineering, NEXTRAIL, quattron management consulting, VIA Consulting & Development GmbH, Railistics, January 30, 2019, pp. 103, 259 , accessed on April 27, 2019 .
  5. ETCS specification , subset 026, etc. a. Section 3.8
  6. ETCS specification , subset 026, section 3.8.1
  7. ETCS specification , subset 026, f)
  8. ETCS specification , subset 026,
  9. ETCS specification , subset 026, section 3.8.3
  10. ETCS specification , subset 026, section 3.8.2
  11. ETCS specification , subset 026, sections 3.8.5, 3.8.6
  12. ETCS specification , subset 026, section 8.7.2 with, and
  13. ETCS specification , subset 026, section