EXIF - Research & Analysis

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EXIF - Research & Analysis is an independent research platform that has been active since 2017. The platform describes itself as anti-fascist . EXIF deals with the neo-Nazi and right-wing scene . To this end, the platform publishes brief reports as well as comprehensive background reports and photos. The operators of the site proceed anonymously.


The name is derived from Exchangeable Image File Format , or EXIF ​​for short. According to the operator's website, it stands for “information behind images”.


In the summer of 2018, the portal published the currently most comprehensive report on Combat 18 in Germany, on which part of the research by STRG F was later based and which already showed its dangerousness before the ban on Combat 18 in Germany in January 2020. According to the results of EXIF, the group of around 50 people was larger than the prohibition description of 20 people assumes. The role of Thorsten Heise , who is counted among the supporters of the NSU , was also part of the research. EXIF also published research results for the Austrian branch of Combat 18.

Connections from the alleged murderer of Walter Lübcke , Stephan Ernst, to Combat 18 were made accessible through research by EXIF ​​and further investigations were initiated through other media.

How the Exif employees researched the partially internal information, they do not disclose. According to the news portal Watson , they have partially covered them with original files and the wording of internal e-mails. Much of the information has been independently verified by NDR reporters .


Information from EXIF ​​research is used and cited by the media as well as in specialist literature and articles on the subject of right-wing extremism.

According to Matthias Dell ( Deutschlandfunk ), this journalistic work is rarely recognized by other media or society. About EXIF's Combat 18 research, he found: “These texts are written with great sobriety. They do not depict reality through chic scenic dramatizations with which one throws oneself up for journalist prizes. Rather, they live from lists and links - who did what, when, with whom, where. "

Ricarda Breyton ( Die Welt ) criticized the Exif authors for “ throwing minimum journalistic standards overboard in order to protect anonymity . The self-commitments of serious journalists (diligence, protection of honor, presumption of innocence ) set out in the press code do not seem to apply on the internet. "

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b About us. In: EXIF. Retrieved February 13, 2020 .
  2. a b c Felix Huesmann: "Combat 18": Who was behind the right group? In: watson.de. July 20, 2018, accessed February 12, 2020 .
  3. a b c Matthias Dell: When anonymous collective research work takes over. In: Deutschlandfunk . January 29, 2020, accessed February 13, 2020 .
  4. ^ NDR: "Combat 18": mouth heroes or right-wing terrorists? In: daserste.ndr.de. July 19, 2018, accessed February 26, 2020 .
  5. ^ Frank Jansen: "Combat 18" prohibited: Authorities take action against neo-Nazi group. In: tagesspiegel.de . January 23, 2020, accessed February 13, 2020 .
  6. René Loch: A dubious confession. In: jungle.world. January 30, 2020, accessed February 18, 2020 .
  7. Malte Arnsperger: "Combat 18": Want to build a Nazi state - that is the violent group. In: Focus Online . January 23, 2020, accessed February 26, 2020 .
  8. ^ Christian Charisius / Reuters: Berlin bans neo-Nazi group "Combat 18". In: derstandard.de. January 23, 2020, accessed February 18, 2020 .
  9. Julia Regis, WDR, and Patrick Gensing, tagesschau.de: Was Stephan E. at the right demo in Chemnitz? Monitor, September 26, 2019 .
    The video should show Stephan E. and Markus H. on the right demo , ZEIT ONLINE, January 11, 2020 .
    Suspected Lübcke murderer was still in contact with the right-wing extremist scene / suspect Stephan E. met members of the neo-Nazi organization Combat 18 on June 21, 2019, accessed on February 16, 2020
  10. Wolfgang Hauskrecht: Lübcke murder: The right-wing extremist world of the suspect Stephan E. In: merkur.de. February 14, 2020, accessed February 16, 2020 .
  11. Maximilian Kreter: Die deutsche Rechtsrockszene in: Uwe Backes, Alexander Gallus, Eckhard Jesse, Tom Thieme (eds.): Yearbook Extremism & Democracy , 31st year 2019, Nomos Verlag, ISBN 978-3-8487-6408-2 , p 170-172.
    Andrea Röpke, Andreas Speit: Völkische Landnahme. Old clans, young settlers, right-wing ecos , Christoph Links Verlag, Berlin 2019, ISBN 978-3-86153-986-5 , p. 189.
    Andreas Speit (Hrsg.): The network of identities: Ideology and actions of the new right , Federal Agency for Civic Education, Bonn 2018, ISBN 978-3-7425-0333-6 , p. 259.
    Robert Claus: The extreme right-wing martial arts boom , Federal Agency for Civic Education, November 5, 2018 online. Literature .
    Kemal Bozay: Right-wing terrorism and racism as a challenge for political education , in: Overview . IDA magazine , issue 3/2019, volume 25, ISSN 1611-9703, pp. 3–6, pdf
  12. Hannes Voigts: Combat 18 prohibited: Left doubts its effectiveness. In: fr.de. January 23, 2020, accessed February 12, 2020 . Hannes Voigts: Lübcke case: What connections did the alleged murderer Stephan E. have? In: fr.de. January 2, 2018, accessed February 12, 2020 . . Mitsch donated to the AfD. In: tagesschau.de . February 12, 2020, accessed February 13, 2020 . . The head of the values ​​union donated to the AfD. In: Zeit Online . February 12, 2020, accessed February 13, 2020 . . Sebastian Weiermann: AfD youngsters with assault rifles (new Germany). In: neue-deutschland.de. August 22, 2019, accessed February 16, 2020 . . Uwe Reißenweber: Suspicious closeness: AfD politician from MV paid to “Identitarian” Vice -. In: nordkurier.de. February 16, 2020, accessed February 16, 2020 .

  13. Ricarda Breyton: Beware of "anti-fascist research platforms "! , WeltN24, February 14, 2020