Ed Masry

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Edward Louis "Ed" Masry (born July 29, 1932 in Paterson , New Jersey , † December 5, 2005 in Thousand Oaks , California ) was an American attorney .


Masry studied at various universities and completed his law degree with success in 1960, after which he ran a law firm specializing in claims for damages. He died of complications from diabetes in 2005, just a week after retiring.

The American became known through a legal dispute with the energy group Pacific Gas & Electric Company , which he had sued on behalf of numerous residents on suspicion of contaminating groundwater with highly toxic and carcinogenic substances. The proceedings ended in 1996 for $ 333 million in damages, the highest amount ever awarded to a plaintiff in such a lawsuit in the United States.

His most important "partner" in this legal dispute was his clerk Erin Brockovich , who had no legal training, but which she was able to compensate with her great commitment and her exceptional talent in dealing with other people.

In the following years Masry and Brockovich-Ellis took part in a variety of environmental legal proceedings, where they were sharply criticized for their handling of scientific data by courts and, increasingly, the media. They were accused of making accusations without any professional basis and of agreeing on settlements with the accused companies , to which the defendants consented because of the threatened loss of reputation.


The story of Masry and Brockovich was filmed in 2000 under the title Erin Brockovich directed by Steven Soderbergh . The main role was played by Julia Roberts , who received an Oscar for best female leading actress. Ed Masry himself was played by British actor Albert Finney .

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Toxic. In: New Republic . November 24, 2003. Retrieved January 12, 2017 .