Edith Kelber

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Edith Kelber , b. Heider (born August 22, 1904 in Geisweid ; † December 8, 1992 in Seelbach ) was a German doctor and politician ( BCSV , CDU ).


Edith Kelber was the older daughter of the middle school teacher Karl Heider. From 1911 to 1918 she attended secondary school and the Lyceum in Elberfeld and from 1918 to 1924 the college in Unterbarmen . After completing her school career, she studied medicine at the universities in Erlangen , Würzburg , Marburg and Berlin . In 1931 she passed the medical state examination and in 1933 received her doctorate from the University of Erlangen. From 1932 to 1937 she worked as a doctor in a children's home in Malsch , after which she worked as a general practitioner in Seelbach in the Black Forest.

After the Second World War , Kelber joined the BCSV, which later became the Baden regional association of the CDU. From 1946 to 1947 she was a member of the Advisory State Assembly of the State of Baden. Edith Kelber later became a member of the Doctors Against Nuclear War . She took part in the great peace demonstrations of the 1980s and the occupation in Mutlangen at a very old age. She was one of the few people who regretted not having done anything more against Nazi barbarism. A great joy for her in the last years of her life was the establishment of an anthroposophical kindergarten in Seelbach.


  • Edith Kelber: About "Pseudosyphilis" of the female genitals on a diphtheric basis , Bochum 1934 (Diss.)


  • Landtag of Baden-Württemberg (Ed.): MdL, The Members of the Landtag in Baden-Württemberg 1946−1978 , Stuttgart 1978, ISBN 3-12-911930-2 , p. 138