Edmund Lammert

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Ludwig Theodor Edmund Lammert (born June 10, 1847 in Sondershausen , † September 21, 1921 in Leipzig ) was a German classical philologist and high school teacher.

Edmund Lammert attended elementary school until 1864 and the grammar school in Sondershausen until 1868. He then studied classical philology at the University of Leipzig , interrupted by one year of military service in the Franco-German War (1870/71). After his return in the summer of 1871, he completed his studies and in 1874 with a thesis De pronouns relativis Homericis doctorate . Friedrich Ritschl , Georg Curtius and Ludwig Lange were among his academic teachers .

After the teaching degree, Lammert worked as a senior teacher (later high school professor) at the Royal High School, later the King Albert High School , in Leipzig. As a researcher, he appeared through numerous treatises and articles on the Greek and Roman historians, which he published in school programs , scientific journals and in the Realencyclopedia of Classical Antiquity .

His daughter was the meteorologist Luise Lammert .


  • Program of the Royal High School in Leipzig for the school year Easter 1880 to Easter 1881 . Leipzig 1881, p. 32
  • Hans Lamer : Annual report of the König-Albert-Gymnasium in Leipzig on the school year from Easter 1925 to Easter 1926, with an overview of the history of the grammar school in the years 1916–1925 . Leipzig 1926, p. 20

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Wikisource: Edmund Lammert  - Sources and full texts