Eduard Friedrich Hugo Heusch

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Eduard Heusch

Eduard Friedrich Hugo Heusch (born January 13, 1865 in Aachen ; † May 7, 1937 in Bad Reichenhall ; also Eduardo Heusch ) was a German engineer and entrepreneur . He came from the main branch of the Hoesch / Heusch family in Aachen .


Eduard Heusch was born in 1865 to Ludwig August Hugo Heusch (1836–1908) and Klara Maria Heusch (née Schmal; 1847–1879). He had two brothers and three sisters. Together with his brother Karl Hugo Heusch (1867–1945) he managed the companies Hugo Heusch & Co. and Hugo Heusch, Eduard Sohn in Aachen , which from 1908 had their production and headquarters in the Lochner cloth factory on Karlsgraben, which was taken over and liquidated by Rudolf Lochner had. At the end of the 19th century Eduard Heusch moved to Paris in France and married his first wife Camille Pommereau (1868–1934) in 1887. The marriage had two sons, Edouard Camille Heusch (1889–1961) and Maurice Fernand Heusch (1890–1963). In Paris he founded the company Société des perles des Indes E. Heusch & Co , which dealt with the production of artificial pearls . Eduard Heusch had developed a process to manufacture them, which he patented internationally in 1890. Production was later abandoned.

Early 20th century founded Eduard and Karl Heusch in Spanish Barcelona the La Metalúrgica Española SA (LME) , the sewing needles, safety pins, pins, hair pins, rivets, thimbles, zips, work shoes and other small items under various trade names, including Reine Victoria and El Dragon , made. Later the factory in Spain became the sole property of Eduard Heusch, while Karl Heusch continued to run Hugo Heusch & Co. in Germany. From 1902 Eduard Heusch had a factory built in Manacor , Mallorca , which produced imitation pearls. Since his stay in France, he implemented the methods he had developed for the production of artificial pearls in the newly founded company Indústria Española de Perlas Imitación SA on Mallorca, after a series production on a small scale had already started in Barcelona. The company was renamed Perlas Majórica SA by the founder's children after his death .

This company (La metalúrgica Española SA) installed a radio station to communicate the factory (in Mallorca) with its headquarters in Barcelona. When the Spanish government gave the Telefónica Company a radio monopoly, the businessman decided to set up a broadcasting company. This station was called Radio Catalana and was in operation between the year it was founded in 1925 and its senior year.

In Barcelona, ​​on the Plaça de la Bonanova , Eduard Heusch had a property built in the style of the Petit Trianon in the Grand Parc de Versailles , which he lived in with his family. After the outbreak of the Spanish civil war in 1936, Eduard Heusch returned to Germany with his two youngest children, Consuelo Manuela Heusch (1927–1979) and Alberto Carlos Heusch (1932–2007). It should only be a temporary stay. The two children, like Carlos Heusch (1924–1935) and Hugo Heusch (1925–1931), who died early, came from the third marriage to Antonia Fernandez (1898–1987). The second marriage to Louise Bernard (1881-1918) had remained childless. Eduard Heusch died in Bad Reichenhall in 1937.

Company formation

  • Société des perles des Indes E. Heusch & Co , Paris (France)
  • La Metalúrgica Española SA (LME) , Barcelona (Spain)
  • Indústria Española de Perlas Imitación SA , Manacor (Spain)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. La Metalúrgica Española (Eng.) ( Memento of October 7, 2013 in the Internet Archive )
  2. The new House of Majorica in Porto Cristo , company history
  3. Rosa Franquet i Calvet: Història de la ràdio a Catalunya al segle XX . 1st edition. Generalitat de Catalunya. Presidència. Radiodifusió, Barcelona, Katalonia , Spain 2001, ISBN 84-393-5450-9 , p. 374 .