Edy Legrand

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Edy Legrand (real name: Édouard Léon Louis Warschawsky) (born July 24, 1892 in Bordeaux , † 1970 in Bonnieux , Vauclus ) was a French painter of Orientalism , illustrator and pioneer of picture books .


Edy Legrand was the son of Louise Cécile Rival and Sholom Alexandre Warschawsky. He studied in Paris at the École des Beaux Arts and from 1911 at the Munich Art Academy in the class of Ludwig Herterich . In 1919 Edy Legrand published the first picture book for the Nouvelle Revue Française with the title Macao et Cosmage ou l'expérience du bonheur . From 1930 he traveled to European and North African countries. In 1932 in Marrakech he made the acquaintance of the painter Jacques Majorelle . After 1945 he also made several trips to the United States.

Legrand was involved in equipping the Normandie and Île de France ships .

He was married to the choreographer Myriam Edy-Legrand and brother of Ferdinand Ignace Albert Warschawsky.

Edy Legrand settled in Bonnieux in the Luberon , where he had a studio until his death in 1970.


  • Cécile Ritzenthaler: Edy Legrand (1892–1970): Visions du Maroc . ACR, Paris 2005, ISBN 978-2-86770-156-6 .
  • Claude Leclanche-Boulé: Edy-Legrand, voyage au Maroc, itinéraire d'un peintre . 1993.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Family tree of Édouard Léon Louis Warschawsky. Retrieved September 28, 2018 .
  2. Proof in the Academy's register book. Retrieved September 28, 2018 .
  3. Biographical information at kettererkunst.de Eduourd Léon Edy-Legrand. Retrieved September 28, 2018 (German).
  4. Edy Legrand: Macao & Cosmage or the experience of happiness . Hammer, 2004, ISBN 978-3-7795-0012-4 ( google.de [accessed on September 28, 2018]).
  5. ^ Riad Dar Zampa: Une exposition au Musée d'Art et de Culture de Marrakech (MACMA): L'Orient rêvé par l'Occident . In: MAROC SANS FRONTIERES . June 26, 2016 ( wordpress.com [accessed September 28, 2018]).
  6. Une exposition au Musée d'Art et de Culture de Marrakech (MACMA): L'Orient rêvé par l'Occident . In: MAROC SANS FRONTIERES . June 26, 2016 ( wordpress.com [accessed September 28, 2018]).
  7. ^ Edy-Legrand, Myriam (1926 -....): BnF Catalog général. Retrieved September 28, 2018 (French).
  8. ^ Family tree of Ferdinand Ignace Albert Warschawsky. Retrieved September 28, 2018 .