Egmont Hamelow

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Egmont Hamelow (born November 16, 1963 in Wittstock / Dosse ) is a German politician ( CDU ).


From 1980 to 1982 he trained as an agricultural engineer / mechanizer and worked in agriculture. From 1986 to 1993 he was mayor of the community of Zaatzke , most recently on a voluntary basis. From 1992 he was responsible for the formation of the Heiligengrabe office and worked here as head of the main office and deputy office director. From 2000 onwards, Hamelow was the official director of the Heiligengrabe office and became mayor of the Heiligengrabe municipality in 2003 due to the municipal reform. In 2007 the Ostprignitz-Ruppin district council elected him First Alderman. In this capacity he represented the district in the Ruppiner Land tourism association and the regional planning community Oberhavel-Ostprignitz-Ruppin.

In 1986 he began to study political science with a degree in administrative management (FH).

At the beginning of 2010 he ran as a candidate for the CDU for the election of the district administrator of Ostprignitz-Ruppin . After the direct election failed due to the quorum , he was defeated in the district council by the then non-party candidate of the SPD , Ralf Reinhardt .

Since August 2010 Hamelow has been First Alderman, Deputy District Administrator and Department Head for Construction, Economics and Transport in the Oberhavel district . With the change of the elected district administrator Karl-Heinz Schröter to the Brandenburg state government , Hamelow was the incumbent district administrator until the elected successor Ludger Weskamp (SPD) took office on June 12, 2015.

2018 he tried again, against the reigning Ostprignitz-Ruppin district administration chief Ralf Reinhardt district to be and was a candidate of an alliance of CDU , Left , Circle Farmers' Association and free voter groups working together in the council possessed a majority. The vote failed in the last ballot due to a stalemate, so the lot had to decide. Ralf Reinhardt won.

Hamelow is the father of three grown children.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ CDU parliamentary group in Oberhavel
  2. ↑ Brief portrait of the head of the department
  3. Märkische Allgemeine Zeitung from November 5, 2014
  4. Frankfurter Allgemeine, August 21, 2018
  5. Ruppiner Anzeiger of September 7, 2018
  6. Burkhard Keeve: On Egmont Hamelow's application as Vice District Administrator in Oberhavel, Oranienburger Generalanzeiger dated June 16, 2010