Egon Overbeck

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Egon Overbeck (born January 11, 1918 in Heide ; † August 12, 1996 in Düsseldorf ) was a German officer and manager . He was CEO of Mannesmann AG .



Overbeck was born in 1918 as the son of a Reichsbahn inspector and his wife. He grew up in Rendsburg . After graduating from high school in 1936, he joined the Wehrmacht . As an officer he served on the Eastern and Western Fronts and was wounded several times. Overbeck completed the general staff training and was used at the war academy. Until the end of April he was a major in the General Staff, First General Staff Officer (Ia) of the 1st Infantry Division and, as a Colonel, took over command of the division after Henning von Thadden was wounded until the end of the war. In 1945 he was taken prisoner by the British .

The GDR later listed him in the Brown Book because of his general staff function .


He completed a commercial apprenticeship and studied business administration at the University of Frankfurt am Main (Diplom-Kaufmann). In 1952 he was accepted at the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences with a dissertation on the possibility of maintaining and increasing the West German lead and zinc production. A contribution to the problem of West German lead and zinc prices in the post-war period to the Dr. rer. pole. PhD. In 1948 he was a trainee at Metallgesellschaft AG , where he was promoted to commercial director of the technical department. In 1951 he was appointed authorized signatory . In 1956 he became a deputy and in 1959 a full member of the executive board (accounting, administration and finance) of the United Deutsche Metallwerke AG . In 1962 he became CEO of Mannesmann AG in Düsseldorf. In 1983 he retired.

Overbeck was a member of the supervisory board a. a. of Hoechst AG , the Esso AG , the Allianz Versicherung AG , the German Babock AG , the Victoria Insurance / Life Ltd of Bertelsmann AG , the Siemens AG , Ruhrkohle AG , the JM Voith AG , the Ruhrgas AG . He was also a member of several boards of trustees. From 1969 to 1973 he was Chairman of the Iron and Steel Association and from 1979 to 1984 President of the German Group of the International Chamber of Commerce . He was also a member of the Senate and the Board of Directors of the Max Planck Institute .


He was married and had four children.


Fonts (selection)

  • Courage to take responsibility. From general staff officer to general director . ST-Verlag, Düsseldorf 1995, ISBN 3-9804358-0-6 .


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Samuel W. Mitcham: German Order of Battle: 1st-290th Infantry divisions in World War II . Stackpole Books, 2007, ISBN 978-0-8117-3416-5 , pp. 35 ( [accessed on April 27, 2019]).
  2. Norbert Podewin (Ed.): Braunbuch . War and Nazi criminals in the Federal Republic . 3rd edition, Staatsverlag der DDR, Berlin 1968, p. 460.
  3. Merit holders since 1986. State Chancellery of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia, accessed on March 11, 2017 .