Federal Scheller and Trycher meeting

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Trusses Trychler, Federi Schällner, Schänis SG
Geisslechlepfer Rotkreuz ZG
11th Federal Scheller and Trycher meeting in Bulle 2011
Logo Scheller Trychlertreffen 2014.PNG

The Federal Scheller and Trycher meeting ( French Fête fédérale des sonneurs de cloches ) is a traditional event of the Swiss Scheller and Trycher clubs , which is held as a federal festival .


The clamps , Trycheln and Geisslechlepfe ( Geisselklöpfen ) goes to old pagan Fasnachts- and New Year's customs back, which was believed to drive away evil spirits during the dark season with noise. In addition to customs that differ from region to region, the bells and treicheln are used for cows and alpine lifts. Magnificent bells and bellies have always been the pride of every cattle owner.

In Switzerland there are around 3,800 Scheller and Treichler organized in clubs, with a focus on central Switzerland. For parades, the lighter bells made of hammered sheet metal are preferred to the cast bells. The treicheln are carried individually or in pairs on a yoke. They weigh between 15 and 20 kilograms and are numbered from 1 to 15 depending on their size. Number 15 is the largest and heaviest and the one with the lowest tone. A treichel costs around 2000 francs. There is a multitude of regionally different sounds, bodies of sound and richly decorated shoulder straps. The flat Gotthard and Prageltreicheln sound differently than the bulbous frog mouth bell. The greatest variety of bells, treicheln and treichel groups in Switzerland comes together at the Federal Scheller and Trycher meeting.

Since 1979, the federal Scheller and Trycher meeting, which takes place every three years, has been the highlight of the annual regional and local traditional events. At the Scheller and Trycher meeting, the focus is on shared experiences, encounters and folklore; there are no competitions or rankings. At the big parade on Sunday, each group tries to present their individuality and regional handicrafts. The end of the meeting is the traditional “Uustrychle”, a deafening sound demonstration by all participants in the same place.

In 2014, around 3,000 Scheller und Treichler and 35,000 visitors took part in the three-day 12th Federal in Meiringen. On Sunday lunchtime, 186 groups formed for the main parade.

Federal with venue and organizer

  • 1. Euthal 1979, Trichler Group Euthal
  • 2. Euthal 1984, Trichlergruppe Euthal
  • 3. Schwyz 1987, Schwyzer Greifler
  • 4. Interlaken 1990, Trychlerclub Unterseen
  • 5. Turtmann 1993, Trichlerverein Turtmann
  • 6. Rotkreuz 1996, Klausengruppe Rotkreuz
  • 7. Wattwil 1999, Trychlerfründe Moslig
  • 8. Meiringen 2002, combined Trychel trains Oberhasli
  • 9. Turtmann 2005, Trichlerverein Turtmann
  • 10. Ingenbohl Wells 2008, Greifler Association Ingenbohl Wells
  • 11. Bull 2011, Compagnons Sonneurs de Vuisternens-devant-Romont
  • 12. Meiringen 2014, combined Trychel trains Oberhasli
  • 13th Märstetten 2017, New Year's Eve Märstetten
  • 14. Bremgarten 2020, Freiämter Trychlerfründe


Web links

Commons : Eidgenössisches Scheller- und Trychlertreffen  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. View from August 31, 2014: Many Scheller and Trychler at the Federal in Meiringen
  2. Bernese Oberland News of September 8, 2002: 8th Federal Scheller and Trycher meeting in Meiringen
  3. NZZ of September 1, 2008: Federal Scheller and Trychlertreffen in Brunnen
  4. Freiburg News July 25, 2011: Bulle receives 2500 Scheller and Trychler
  5. Berner Zeitung January 23, 2014: It trychlet in late summer
  6. Tagblatt Ostschweiz dated September 3, 2014: The Treichlers come to Märstetten
  7. Aargauer Zeitung of October 9, 2018: Scheller and Treichler: Another "federal" in the Freiamt