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Cowbells and tryels
Simmental cattle with hammered Trychel
Calf with a cast bell

A cow bell , alternatively a cow bell or generally an animal bell, is both a musical instrument (see also cow bell (percussion instrument) ) and a bell that is used in agricultural livestock farming . It is typically cast or welded in the form of a trapezoid, cylinder or cup. In a broader sense, the term cowbell also includes the alternatively used, hammered sheet metal and therefore lighter Trychel ( treichel ).

Use in farm animal husbandry

In the agricultural economy, cowbells are used to keep herds of cattle , horses , donkeys , goats and sheep , camels , reindeer , llamas and even elephants together. They are worn around the neck of the lead animal and it is customary for older animals to wear larger bells around them.

The movement of the animals, especially in Asi , the bell is ringing, which all the other animals of the herd one orientation is. In loose animal associations, everyone receives a cowbell so that strangers can be found more easily.

As jewelry, locating aid and warning signal to protect wild animals, dogs , cats and falcons also receive correspondingly small editions of these animal bells (including bells ).

Further use of cow bells

In Switzerland it is customary to use the cowbells differently. This is the case in customs, for example, at the Federal Scheller and Trychler Meetings or at Chalandamarz , which became known through the story of the Schellen-Ursli . In general, they are often available as souvenirs in many formats in holiday regions . The largest cowbell in the world has been in Kleinschmalkalden in the Thuringian Forest since 2003 .

Cow bells in music

Cow bells are to be assigned to the bells by their design . With some skillful blacksmiths you get sets of bells tuned to the notes of a scale ; the instrument alpine bells forms such a movement . "Kuhglocke" is also used as the German name for the cowbell instrument.

Cowbells playing the drums

In both the drums and percussion instruments in the coming cowbells ( Cowbell ) are used. They are made with different materials and in different sizes. Depending on the material, they are available in different colors such as silver, gold or black. They are often mounted with special brackets, mostly on drums.

Web links

Commons : Cowbells  - Collection of images, videos and audio files
Wiktionary: Cowbell  - explanations of meanings, word origins, synonyms, translations

Individual evidence

  1. The largest cowbell in the world at, accessed on July 4, 2020
  2. History of the manufacturer Venter-Glocken