Eimuntas Nekrošius

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Eimuntas Nekrošius

Eimuntas Nekrošius (born November 21, 1952 in Pažobris , Raseiniai district ; † November 20, 2018 in Vilnius ) was a Lithuanian director.


Nekrošius studied at the Conservatory in Vilnius and at the Lunacharsky Institute (GITIS) in Moscow . In 1976 he made his directorial debut with Shelagh Delaney's Bitter Honey . After finishing his studies in 1978, he worked at the Jaunimo Teatras State Youth Theater in Vilnius from 1978 to 1979 and at the Kaunas Theater from 1979 to 1980 .

In 1980 he returned to the Vilnius Youth Theater, of which he was artistic director until 1991. Here he staged his own play Kvadratas in 1980 and Uncle Vanja by Anton Chekhov in 1986 . In 1988 he achieved international resonance with guest appearances in the USA and Europe. In 1991 Nekrošius took over the artistic direction of the Lithuanian theater festival LIFE. In this context he directed Three Sisters in 1995 and Hamlet in 1997 .

In 1998 he founded the studio theater Meno Fortas , with which he worked on several internationally award-winning productions. In 2002 he worked for the first time as an opera director at the Teatro Comunale di Firenze with a performance of Verdi's Macbeth . Often referred to as the Baltic Robert Wilson , Nekrošius developed a very pictorial, symbolic scenic language. His son Marius works as a set designer .




  • Wolfgang Beck: Nekrošius, Eimuntas . In: Manfred Brauneck, Wolfgang Beck (ed.): Theater Lexikon 2. Actors and directors, stage managers, dramaturges and stage designers . Rowohlt's encyclopedia published by Rowohlt Taschenbuch Verlag. Reinbek near Hamburg, August 2007, ISBN 978 3 499 55650 0 , p. 519 f.
