Luigi Carletti

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Luigi Carletti (born July 16, 1960 in Piombino , Livorno province , Italy ) is an Italian journalist and author of thrillers .


Carletti's family comes from the island of Elba , which is opposite Piombino, the town of his birth. He attended the Guglielmo Marconi Science High School and began working as a journalist while still at school. After graduating from high school, he studied at the University of Pisa . In the following years he worked for various Italian newspapers, such as la Repubblica or Il Tirreno , a daily newspaper for Livorno and Tuscany .

1985 Carletti worked in a supporting role in the Italian film Figlio mio infinitamente caro (German title: Crash in hell). In 1995 he received the Premiolino , the Italian Journalist of the Year award, for his journalistic activities within the L'Espresso media group .

Carletti lives in Rome and has published five thriller novels since 1996. Based on his story Il Pilota , the script for the television film Operanzione pilota , which was broadcast by Rai Uno , was written in 2007 .


  • 1996: Una traccia nella palude (A path in the swamp). Baldini & Castoldi, Milan.
  • 1998: Giuramento etrusco (Etruscan Oath). Baldini & Castoldi, Milan.
  • 2006: Alla larga dai comunisti (Far from the Communists). Baldini & Castoldi, Milan.
  • 2008: Lo schiaffo (The Slap in the Face ). Baldini & Castoldi, Milan.
  • 2012: Prigione con piscina (prison with swimming pool). Mondadori, Milan.
  • 2013: in French: Six femmes au foot (Six women in football). Éditions Liana Levi, Paris, ISBN 978-2-86746-677-9 .
  • 2013: Cadavere squisito . Mondadori, Milan.

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