Eino Oksanen

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Eino "Eikka" Ilmari Oksanen (born May 7, 1931 in Jyväskylä ) is a former Finnish athlete , who won the traditional Boston Marathon three times between 1959 and 1962 .

In 1955, Oksanen set a world record over 20 miles on the track in Barcelona. A year later, he took part in the Olympic Games in Melbourne for the first time and finished tenth in the marathon. At the national marathon championships in Pieksämäki in the same year , Oksanen came second. The winner Paavo Kotila had set a new world record in this run. In 1959 he won the Boston Marathon for the first time with a time of 2:22:42 hours. Further victories in Boston were to follow in 1961 and 1962, although he could no longer undercut his time of 1959 in these races. In 1960 Oksanen was the only time Finnish marathon champion and later took part in the Olympic Games in Rome , where he only came in 24th. Also at the European Championships in Belgrade in 1962 (12th place) and at his third Olympic Games in Tokyo in 1964 (13th place) he could not run into the top ten. In 1964, at the age of 33, he won his second Finnish championship, but this time by winning the 10,000 meter distance.

Oksanen measures 1.72 meters and weighed around 64 to 67 kilograms when he was active. He belonged to the Helsingin Poliisi-Voimailijat police association from Helsinki.


  • World record over 20 miles of track (November 28, 1955 in Barcelona) in 1: 45: 28.0 minutes
  • Winner of the Boston Marathon in 1959, 1961 and 1962
  • Finnish champion 1960 (marathon) and 1964 (10 000 meters)
  • Finnish runner-up in 1956 (marathon)

Personal best

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