Ekkehard von Huysburg

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Grave in the Huysburg monastery church

Ekkehard von Huysburg (* in the 11th century ; † June 28, 1084 ) was Canon of Halberstadt and first abbot of the Huysburg monastery .


Ekkehard lived in the 11th century.

The Annalista Saxo described the first processes of the beginning development and expansion of the monastic reform direction on the Huy, nine kilometers northwest of Halberstadt , in today's Harz district . Then around 1070 the previous Quedlinburg nun Bia (Pia) went to Huysburg. The local canon Ekkehard, longing for a different spiritual life, was ordained a monk by the abbot Bernhard I of the Berge monastery in front of Magdeburg . Cui ne divinum servicium deesset, Ekkehardum canonicum sancti Stephani Halberstad, quem ipsa secreti sui desiderii antea consicum fecerat, prebisterum ibidem constituit et competentem tribuens mansionem stipendia utris que necessaria providit, cum tamen ignoraret episcopus amborum prepum eos tamosito.

In 1076 the nun Adelheid from Gandersheim came to Huysburg at the instigation of Ekkehards. Because of dissatisfaction with the dilapidated monastic discipline in Gandersheim, she left the local Marienkonvent to help set up the reform course on the Huysburg according to the rules . In addition to Bia and Adelheid, Ekkehard also took in the nun Ida from Quedlinburg .

In addition to Meinhold, also known as Mainzo, the dissatisfied monk Thizelin at the Berge monastery was also looking for the hermitage on the Huysburg as a new place for his monastic life. The Halberstadt Bishop Burchard II asked the Magdeburg Archbishop Werner von Steusslingen to release Thizelin for the Huysburg project. The monastic care for the new coenobium was carried out by the abbot of Berge Monastery on behalf of the Halberstadt bishop. Ekkehard represented the Huysburg community externally, Thizelin was decisive for spiritualia and monastic discipline.

First abbot

After Thizelin's death on November 18, 1080 Ekkehard was appointed head of the monastery on December 24, 1080, probably in agreement with the bishop. On June 21, 1081, the Halberstadt Bishop Burchard II donated him to the abbot. In the eastern part of the civitas , the building complex of the Huysburg, Abbot Ekkehard had a church dedicated to St. Build a capella dedicated to Sixtus . Because of the hermitage, the pilgrims should have a place of worship. Ekkehard gave up on August 13, 1083 and died on June 28, 1084. With Ekkehard the process of founding the Benedictine monastery on the Huy ended.

The unavailable Catholic feast day of blessed Ekkehard is June 28th.

Grave slabs

After his death on June 28, 1084, Ekkehard was buried in the monastery church of Huysburg. His grave was initially the Sixtus Chapel, until after the consecration of the new monastery church in 1121, together with those of the monk Thizelin, his bones were transferred to it with great respect. In 1121 Ekkehard was beatified as the founder abbot . The bronze plate embedded in the floor is located in the north transept of the monastery church. The plate above a low tumba , created in the 15th century, shows the abbot in full regalia , scratched on an astonishingly narrow field of view and surrounded by an inscription .

In 2004 the former apostolic administrator of Magdeburg, Bishop Johannes Braun , also found his final resting place there.


  • Christof Römer : Huysburg. Historical overview. In: Germania Benedictina Volume X-1. The Benedictine monasteries in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Saxony-Anhalt, Thuringia and Saxony . St. Ottilien 2012, ISBN 978-3-8306-7571-6 pp. 627-648.

Individual evidence

  1. Chronicon Hujesburgense, Menzel 1934, p. 140.
  2. Christof Römer: Huysburg . In: Germania Benedictina. Vol. X-1 2012, p. 628.
  3. Chronicon Hujesburgense, Menzel 1934, p. 141. Gesta abbatum Bergensium. Holstein 1870 p. 375.
  4. Christof Römer: Huysburg . In: Germania Benedictina. Vol. X-1 2012, p. 269.
  5. Chronicon Hujesburgense, Menzel 1934, p. 142. Book of Deaths of the Huisburg Monastery, ed. Ess 1810, p. 78.
  6. Chronicon Hujesburgense, Menzel 1934, p. 144, on the grave inscription p. 145.
  7. ^ Anne Mueller von der Hagen: The Benedictine monastery Huysburg 1997 pp. 14-15.