Meissen area
The area Meissen is adjacent to the area Elstertal one of the two wine-growing areas in the wine region of Saxony . It is located on the Elbe above and below Meißen on the Saxon Wine Route .
The area is divided into four major locations:
Spaar Mountains (around Meißen)
The following locations can be found in the Spaar Mountains on the right bank of the Elbe above the city of Meißen:
- Meissner Kapitelberg
- Meissen Klausenberg
- Meissner Fürstenberg
- Meissen council vineyard
- Meißener Rosengründchen
- Meissen Monastery Holy Cross
- Proschwitz only a short hop
- Proschwitz Castle
Castle vineyard (around Meissen)
The castle vineyard includes:
- Seusslitzer Heinrichsburg
- Weinboehlaer Gellertberg
Lößnitz (in Radebeul)
The major location Radebeuler Lößnitz is a right slope of the Elbe in the urban area of Radebeul. It includes the individual layers:
Elbe Valley (Dresden)
The vineyards in the Elbe Valley are located on the right bank of the Elbe river upstream of the city of Dresden and on the southern slopes of the southern side valleys:
- Pillnitz Royal Vineyard (in Pillnitz )
- Merbitzer Bauernberge (in Merbitz )
- Pesterwitzer Jochhöhschlösschen (in Pesterwitz )
Saxon cone
The Sachsenkeule wine bottle is a special shape . This shape was developed to improve the attractiveness of the Elbe Valley wines in 1931 in the Hoflößnitz state winery as a green bottle in the shape of a club. With the return to local pride in Saxon wines, this form was taken up again for labeling in the 1990s. But it did not find universal acceptance for Sachsenwein. The shape in the box has a poorer edition than the normal shape. As a unique selling point for Saxony, the same quality classification as the Bocksbeutel for Franconian wines was intended.
- Elbe valley and Loess hill country near Meissen (= values of our homeland . Volume 32). 1st edition. Akademie Verlag, Berlin 1979.
Web links
- The vineyards in the Saxony growing region. ( Memento from October 24, 2013 in the Internet Archive )