Eleonore Linsmayer

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Eleonore Linsmayer (* 1934 ) is a German diplomat .


Eleonore Linsmayer studied law, passed her second state law examination and did her doctorate, the title of her dissertation was Natural Law in Post-War German Jurisprudence . In 1963 she joined the foreign service . The main focus of her work was politics. Her diplomatic positions abroad were Edinburgh , Tokyo , Johannesburg , Geneva , Houston , Washington, DC and Dakar .

In Geneva she worked in the Permanent Mission of Germany to the United Nations, with responsibility for the Council of Europe and UN specialized agencies. But also culture as head of the culture department of the embassy in Washington and press in the foreign representation of the press and information office of the federal government (BPA). Since she was trained as a fully qualified lawyer, she was also employed in the legal and consular area. She was employed as an attachée at the consulate general in Edinburgh, as head of the legal and consular department at the embassy in Tokyo, consul Johannesburg and consul general in Houston.

Her last post, as the successor to Thomas Fischer-Dieskau , was from 1995 to 1999 as the German ambassador to Senegal with her seat in Dakar, at the same time she was accredited for the countries of Gambia , Guinea-Bissau and Cape Verde . Her successor was Rainald Steck ,


  • The natural law in the German jurisprudence of the post-war period (an overview of the judicature) . Dissertation at the University of Munich. Munich 1963.
  • Sirens . Nymphenburger, Munich 1989, ISBN 3-485-00592-4 .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b c d Christiane Scheidemann, Ursula Müller, Günter Olzog Verlag, Müller, Ursula, 1957-, Scheidemann, Christiane, 1965-: Clever, sent and dispatched: women in the diplomatic service . Olzog Verlag, Munich 2000, ISBN 3-7892-8041-0 , p. 273-275, 421 .
predecessor Office successor
Thomas Fischer-Dieskau Ambassador of the German Federal Government in Dakar / Senegal
Rainald Steck