Elia Millosevich

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Elia Millosevich

Elia Millosevich (born September 5, 1848 in Venice , † December 5, 1919 in Rome ) was an Italian astronomer .


Millosevich was professor of astronomy at the Istituto Nautico in Venice and later director of the Collegio Romano observatory in Rome .

Millosevich specialized in the observation and calculation of the orbit data of comets and asteroids .
Together with Vincenzo Cerulli , he put together a star catalog.

In 1891 he discovered the asteroids (303) Josephina and (306) Unitas .

In his memory, the asteroid (69961) Millosevich was named after him.

Publications (excerpt)

  • Dei passaggi di Venere sul disco solare e specialmente di quello dell '8 December 1874 , Rome: tipografia delle belle arti, 1871
  • Commemoration of P. Angelo Secchi. , Rome, 1903
  • Catalogo di 412 place from 49 ° 52 'E 54 ° 5' (1900.0). , Catania: C. Galàtola, 1904
  • Il Sorgere eliaco di Sirio con qualche accenno di paleocronologia egizia , Rome: Editore dell'Unione, 1917

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