Elisabeth Loewe

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Elisabeth Loewe (* 1924 in Breslau ; † 1996 in Bremen ) was a German post-expressionist painter .


Elisabeth Loewe was born in Breslau to Jewish parents. When she was nine years old, she developed polio , which resulted in a severe physical disability. In 1939, the parents managed to leave Breslau for Chile , where the family built a new life.

The Federal Law on Compensation for Victims of National Socialist Persecution guaranteed Elisabeth Loewe a scholarship to Heidelberg University , where she studied psychology from 1958 . A psychoanalysis showed her the way to painting.

In 1961 she began studying art at the University of Fine Arts in Berlin with Professors Ernst Schumacher , Peter Janssen , Hans Jaenisch and Rudolf Bednarczik. Since 1970 she has lived as a freelance painter in Bremen .

Her “narrative art” seeks a stylistic connection between South American folk art and the form of expression of Jewish art from Eastern Europe. She finds her subjects primarily in Russian fairy tales and in Jewish mythology .



  • 1970: Honorary diploma from the international autumn salon in Biarritz
