Elizeu de Morais Pimentel

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Elizeu de Morais Pimentel (born November 10, 1952 in Quatiguá , † February 27, 2003 ) was coadjutor bishop of Paranavaí (Brazil).


Elizeu de Morais Pimentel was ordained a priest on July 10, 1982 .

Pope John Paul II appointed him coadjutor bishop of Paranavaí on December 19, 2001, and he was appointed to office on April 6 of the next year. The Bishop of Jacarezinho , Fernando José Penteado , ordained him episcopal on March 16 the next year ; Co- consecrators were Konrad Walter SAC , former bishop of Jacarezinho , and Rubens Augusto de Souza Espínola , bishop of Paranavaí.

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