Ellen Schlüchter

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Ellen Schlüchter (formerly Ellen Jähn ; born April 26, 1938 in Berlin ; † August 21, 2000 in Würzburg ) was a German legal scholar .


She studied law , psychology , economics and philosophy at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main . She completed her studies with the 1st state examination in law. She then completed her legal clerkship, which Schlüchter completed with the second state examination in law and thus became a legal investigator. In addition to her studies, she worked in her father's chartered accountant and tax consultancy firm .

Initially, Ellen Schlüchter worked in the judiciary as a judge , and later as a public prosecutor specializing in white-collar crime in Ellwangen .

Ellen Schlüchter was married to Horst Schlüchter, a lawyer and business graduate, and had two children.

Scientific career

In 1974 Schlüchter was seconded to the University of Tübingen , where she did her doctorate (1977) and her habilitation (1983). In 1978 she was promoted to group leader (first female public prosecutor in college) and sent to the University of Konstanz.

She then taught and researched as a professor in the field of criminal law and criminal procedure law from 1984 to 1987 at the University of Cologne , from 1987 to 1995 at the University of Würzburg and from 1995 to 2000 at the Ruhr University in Bochum . One of her personal motto was: "Make a success out of every failure". Likewise, in a modification of another quote, she said: “Life is beautiful, but exhausting. It can also be less strenuous, then it is less beautiful. ”During her work as the first female law professor at the University of Würzburg, she also became the first women's representative (1988–90) and later vice-president of the university. As an expert for the German Bundestag , Ellen Schlüchter gave an opinion on the Law on the Administration of Justice; this report was later published by Nomos-Verlag under the title Less is more .

In the field of juvenile criminal law, Ellen Schlüchter campaigned for the idea of ​​education so that juvenile offenders can be brought back onto the path of justice. She published a plea for the idea of ​​upbringing (published by De Gruyter). Ellen Schlüchter understood the criminal process as an interaction , i.e. as a cooperation of all those involved in the process. This interaction reflects the dynamics of the process. These thoughts become clear in her work, The Criminal Procedure . Her commentary on the main proceedings in the Systematic Commentary on the Code of Criminal Procedure also shows this approach.

In her dissertation , Schlüchter already dealt with the border area between bankruptcy crimes and wrong business decisions . In this work it becomes clear how difficult it is to assess a corporate crisis. This publication already shows the interest in economic questions, which are later also expressed in the book Tax Advice in Criminal Risk from 1986.

The scientist also dealt critically with the Second Law to Combat Economic Crime (2. WikG), under the title Second Law to Combat Economic Crime - Commentary with a Criminological Introduction , Heidelberg 1987. In the field of economics, she criticized the hectic economy rash actions by economic organs that they referred to as "management by happening".

As part of a project for the European Commission , Ellen Schlüchter carried out a study on cash settlement in the agricultural sector.

Ellen Schlüchter gave multimedia lectures at the University of Bochum. She also showed this concept of clear and understandable transfer of knowledge in her textbooks with justification for the series Core knowledge for the field of criminal procedural law and the series Fit in Law with works on criminal law and criminal procedural law. In addition, Ellen Schlüchter recently carried out research in the area of negligence and advocated the impunity of carelessness. Their concern was to remove slightly negligent behavior from the threat of punishment.

In the area of comparative law between the Anglo-American case law and the continental European Statute Law, the researcher demonstrated the mediating function of the prejudices , i.e. the similarities between the two legal systems, which are based on the binding effect of the leading decisions of the highest courts.

Ellen Schlüchter was the academic teacher of lawyers such as Gunnar Duttge and Attorney General Peter Frank . The scientist was awarded the Federal Cross of Merit on ribbon for her services to the University of Würzburg .

Publications (selection)

  • with others: SK-StPO. Systematic commentary on the Criminal Procedure Code with GVG and ECHR. 10 volumes. Heymanns, Cologne.
  • Criminal law general part in a nutshell. EuWi, Thüngersheim / Frankfurt am Main 2000, ISBN 3-89633-018-7 .
  • with Thorsten Fülber, Holm Putzke : Challenge: Accelerated procedure (§§ 417 ff. StPO). EuWi, Thüngersheim / Frankfurt am Main 1999, ISBN 3-89633-015-2 .
  • Limits of criminal negligence. Aspects of a criminal law in Europe. EuWi, Thüngersheim / Nuremberg 1996, ISBN 3-89633-002-0 .


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Margarete Pauli: Driving force for equality , Blick, magazine of the Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg, 2009/3, accessed on April 9, 2018.