Elmar Daucher

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Memorial for the victims of National Socialism on Karlsplatz in Stuttgart

Elmar Daucher (born August 13, 1932 in Neuenburg am Rhein , † August 25, 1989 in Oggelshausen ) was a German sculptor .

life and work

Elmar Daucher trained as a stonemason at the stone processing school in Wunsiedel and then studied sculpture at the State Academy of Fine Arts in Stuttgart from 1952 to 1955 . From 1968 on he worked as an artist in Oggelshausen. In 1969 he was one of the initiators of the sculpture symposium Oggelshausen , which was held by the sculptor Karl Prantl in Austria in Sankt Margarethen in Burgenland , based on the model of the symposium of European sculptors . Daucher had participated in a symposium in St. Margarethen in 1966. Other symposia in which he participated were those at the Strasse der Skulpturen in St. Wendel in Saarland in 1971, in Mauthausen in Austria in 1972, in Suwako in Japan in 1978 and 1980 in Lahr .

In 1974 Daucher discovered, as it were, as a by-product the musical inner workings of his stone sculptures, which are criss-crossed by deep saw cuts, and developed a whole series of sound stones from them . Dauchers prototypes are influenced by representations of the harmonic research of Hans Kayser . His sound stones were the focus of the exhibitions "Klangskulpturen '85" (Würzburg), "SteinKlangStein" (Ulm 1986) and "Klangsteine ​​- Steinklänge" (Munich 1989). In terms of composition, Stephan Micus , Michael Vetter and Klaus Hinrich Stahmer deal with the sound world of the sound stones created by Daucher. In Stahmer's composition Kristallgitter (1992), the tones of a sound stone are fused with a string quartet by means of electronic ring modulation.

Work (selection)

  • 1963: Stone relief at the Robert Bosch School in Stuttgart-Zuffenhausen
  • 1965: Bronze relief in Stuttgart-Feuerbach
  • 1966: Untitled , Sankt Margarethen in Burgenland
  • 1969: Untitled , Oggelshausen sculpture symposium in Oggelshausen
  • 1970: Memorial for the Victims of National Socialism , Karlsplatz in Stuttgart
  • 1971: Postponement , Street of Sculptures near St. Wendel
  • 1976: Untitled , Böblingen
  • 1980: Klangstein , Lahr
  • 1984: Stone for meditation , in front of the Reconciliation Church in Stuttgart-Degerloch


  • Marc Fredric Gundel: Academy student body and teaching after 1945. On the importance and problems using the example of Otto Baum and Herbert Baumann as art college teachers , dissertation University of Heidelberg, Heidelberg 1995, pages 73-76.
  • Elmar Daucher: Stone.Sound.Stone ; Exhibition catalog Ulm (published by the City of Ulm, Ulmer Münstergemeinde and Catholic Bildungswerk Alb-Donau-Kreis) 1986
  • Bea Voigt u. Mathias Bärmann (ed.): KlangSsteine ​​- SteinKklang with contributions by Mathias Bärmann, Walter Gröner, Rudolf zur Lippe, Tadashi Otsuru, Klaus Hinrich Stahmer, Horst Stierhof and Michael Vetter; Munich (Verlag Bea Voigt Edition) 1989

Individual evidence

  1. Published for the first time under the title "Akroasis" (Basel 1946), the research results were summarized in: Hans Kayser "Die Harmonie der Welt", contributions to basic research on harmony 1, Vienna 1968
  2. ^ Website Stuttgart: memorial
  3. City of Lahr website: Klangstein, Elmar Daucher ( Memento of the original from January 29, 2010 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.lahr.de

Sound recordings

  • Stephan Micus "The Music of Stones" CD (Label: ECM) Order No. 1384 837 750-2; Year of publication: 1989
  • Klaus Hinrich Stahmer and Michael Vetter "KlangSsteine ​​- SteinKlänge" CD (Label: ProViva / Intersound) Order No. ISPV 159; Year of publication 1990
  • Klaus Hinrich Stahmer "Klanglabyrinthe" CD (Label: ProViva / Intersound) Order No. ISPV 167; Year of publication 1992

Web links

Commons : Elmar Daucher  - Collection of images, videos and audio files