Elsa Schönfeld

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Elsa Schönfeld b. Bajohr (born March 28, 1908 in Königsberg , † December 6, 1986 in Düren ) was a German expressionist painter .


From 1924 to 1928 she studied painting at the art academies in Königsberg and Breslau , where she found expressionist landscape painting under the influence of Otto Mueller and the artist group Brücke . After completing her studies, she first went back to Königsberg, where she worked as a freelance artist between 1928 and 1944.

In her studio on Roonstrasse in Königsberg, she presented her works, the motifs of which she had created on the canvas as an open-air painter.

During this time, she met the painter Oskar Schönfeld, whom she married in 1932. Due to the rapid advance of the Russian armed forces and the subsequent chaos of the Second World War, she and her family had to leave Königsberg relatively quickly and first found a new place to stay in Himmelpfort , where she found a job as an art teacher at the Scharfenberg school boarding school between 1949 and 1952 . From 1952 to 1956 she worked as an art teacher at the elementary schools in Templin and Bredeeiche as well as in Himmelpfort.

Due to the political conditions in the former GDR , she fled via Berlin to the Federal Republic of Germany in 1956 and settled in Düren. Many of her late works were created during her numerous stays in Greece, Italy, Spain and on the German Baltic coast.