Emília Kánya

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Emília Kánya , married. Feldinger, married. Szegfi (born November 10, 1830 in Pest , † December 29, 1905 in Fiume ) was a Hungarian publicist , writer and translator and the first female editor of the Habsburg monarchy . She is considered the first Hungarian feminist .

Live and act

From 1860 to 1880, after long disputes with the bureaucracy, Emilia Kánya published the magazine Családi Kör (The Family Circle ), but had to sell it in 1880 due to financial problems; (after this transaction she became secretary of Országos Nöipar Egyesület ). From 1861 to 1864 Kánya published the Magyar Nök Évkönyve (Hungarian Women's Yearbook). In 1867 she founded the Magyar Hölgvek Könyvtára (Library for Hungarian Women) series; which opened with one of her own novels Búvirágok (Flowers of Sadness). Kánya published partly under the pseudonyms Emilia Irta and Emilie Szerkeszti.

Kánya was involved in the founding and organization of the associations “Magyar Gazdaasszonyok Egyesülete” (Association of Hungarian Peasant Women), “Országos Nöképzö Egyesület” (National Association for Women's Education) and “Országos Nöipar Egyesület” (National School for Women and a Trade Organization) . After the Austro-Hungarian equalization, Kánya u. a. Participated in the women's exhibition in Vienna in 1873.

After separating from her co-editor and second husband Mór Szegfi, Kánya went to Fiume with her daughter. Her grave with a gravestone by the Hungarian sculptor Bela Gerenday is there in the Campo Santo cemetery.


  • Sziv es elet. Beszelyek . (Szegfi Morne.) (Heart and life.) Hung. Emich, Pest 1859 (signature of the ÖNB: 164604-B)
  • Emilia Szerkeszti (pseudonym): Csaladi Kör. Hetilap a müvelt magyar Hölgyek szamara . (---, Szeg. Fi Morne.) (The family circle.) Pest 1860 (Signature of the ÖNB: 399284-D)
  • Emilia Irta (pseudonym): Valsagos napok. Regeny. (-Emilia, Szegfi Morne). (Critical days.) Rath, Pest 1860 (signature of the ÖNB: 164643-B)
  • Emilia Irta (pseudonym): Beszelyek. it Vachott Sandome . (Stories.) Engel, Pest 1861 (signature of the ÖNB: 115232-A)
  • Emilia Szerkeszti (pseudonym): Magyar nök Evkönyve . (---, Szegfi Morne.) (Yearbook of Hungarian women.) Pest 1863 (signature of the ÖNB: 398061-B)
  • Emilia Irta (pseudonym): Szeretet Königyve. (The book of love.) Emich, Pest 1863 (signature of the ÖNB: 165433-B)


  • Éva Bicskei: Kánya (Kanya), Emilia; Mrs. Mór Szegfi. In: Francisca de Haan (Ed.): A Biographical Dictionary of Women’s Movements and Feminisms. Central, Eastern, and South Eastern Europe, 19th and 20th Centuries. CEU Press, Budapest ( inter alia) 2006, ISBN 963-7326-39-1 , pp. 213-216.

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