Emma Laddey

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Emma Laddey , b. Radtke (born May 9, 1841 in Elbing , † April 12, 1892 in Munich ) was a German actress and writer . She also wrote under the pseudonym "Hermione".


The daughter of the doctor F. Radtke wrote small plays when she was ten. She later took acting lessons from Hermann Hendrichs in Berlin . She was engaged at the Schauspielhaus in Berlin, but later had to give up acting because of a throat problem.

In 1864 she married the painter Ernst Laddey in Amsterdam. In 1865 she moved with him to Stuttgart and began a lively writing activity and actively dealt with the contemporary women's movement . At her suggestion, the "Swabian Women's Association" was founded in 1873, which advocated higher education and better economic status for women. From 1880 Emma Laddey lived in Munich.

In addition to her work as a novelist, playwright and children's book author, she worked for numerous magazines (including Über Land und Meer ).


  • Adele or the bill of fate . Play. (1868)
  • Antonio . Drama. (1868)
  • Flower fairy tale (1868)
  • On your own two feet . Eight stories. (1870)
  • Magnificent library for the youth . 3 volumes. (1872)
  • Glitter and gold. A novel for mothers and daughters (1873)
  • From family life . Stories for the youth. (1874)
  • Heart stories from the children's world (1874)
  • From the realm of women . Images from women's life. 1874
  • Of free choice . Character images from the world of women. Three stories. 1874
  • An orphan's diary . A story for Germany's daughters. 1876
  • Blooms wild . A story for young girls. 1877
  • Four girls' lives or German and American . Narrative. (1879)
  • The stork - picture book or the story of the little boy . 1880
  • A thousand clouds . A story for young girls. (1884)
  • Fairy hands . A story for the more mature female youth. 1884
  • A year in fairy tales . 1885
  • From the school of life . Stories. 1886
  • Alpine rose . Three stories for the more mature youth. 1888
  • Helene and other stories (1888)
  • The priestess of happiness . Novel. (1890)
  • Images of women in the mirror of poetry . 1891


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