Enguerrand II. De Coucy

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. Enguerrand II de Coucy (* around 1110 , † to 1147 / 49 ) was Lord of Coucy , Marle , Vervins , Pinon , Crépy , Crécy and La Fere . He was a son of Sire Thomas de Coucy ( Thomas de Marle ; † 1131) and the Mélisende von Crècy.

In contrast to his father, Enguerrand was of a peace-loving nature and mainly took care of the administration of his lands. He built a chapel in Coucy Castle, which is one of the oldest preserved parts of the castle. Legend has it that he killed a monster in the Prémontré forest that was supposed to be a lion, for which the prior of Nogent-sous-Coucy was very grateful.

Enguerrand took part in the second crusade led by King Louis VII of France from 1147 , in the course of which he died.

Since 1132 he was married to Agnes von Beaugency, a daughter of Sire Raoul I von Beaugency and granddaughter of Count Hugo von Vermandois . They had two sons:

See also House Boves

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