Enno Ludwig (East Frisia)

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Enno Ludwig, painting around 1750

Enno Ludwig (born October 29, 1632 in Aurich , † April 4, 1660 in Aurich) from the Cirksena dynasty was sovereign of the county of East Friesland from 1651 to 1660 . He was the first Cirksena to receive the dignity of imperial prince .

Enno Ludwig grew up in the Netherlands , France and Switzerland and enjoyed an expensive education there. At the court of Emperor Ferdinand III. At the age of 19 he was made an honorary Reichshofrat . In doing so, the emperor recognized that he was of legal age and that he was capable of governing. In this way Enno Ludwig was able to force his mother Juliane and her advisors out of the government early and like a raid, and from 1651 he was Count of East Friesland.

He then had his mother's favorite and alleged lover, Privy Councilor Johann von Marenholtz , brought to justice and executed by the sword on July 21, 1651 in Wittmund . Marenholtz was the husband of Elisabeth von Ungnad , the mother of Count Anton I von Aldenburg , the natural son of the Count of Oldenburg , whom Enno Ludwig sued the Kaiser with the help of her influential brother David Count Ungnad von Weißenwolff and so at least by the process recovered goods confiscated against her and her husband.

Enno Ludwig tried to cover up clear deficiencies in internal administration and in financial management by obtaining the dignity of imperial prince. He succeeded in doing this in 1654 with the help of the East Frisian scholar Hermann Conring at a price of 15,000 guilders, but only for himself and without a seat on the prince's bench in the Reichstag. Only his brother Georg Christian achieved the hereditary prince title in 1662. Originally engaged to Henriette Katharina von Oranien , Enno Ludwig married Justine Sophie von Barby on November 7, 1656. From this marriage came two daughters, Juliane Louise and Sophie Wilhelmine.

Enno Ludwig died on April 4, 1660 as a result of a hunting accident. Since he only had daughters, his brother Georg Christian followed him first as Count and from 1662 as Prince of East Friesland.


  • Ernst Kaeber: Pictures from the life of East Frisian princes of the 17th century. I. The younger brothers of Prince Enno Ludwig. II. From the life of Prince Christian Eberhard. Friemann, Aurich 1912 ( treatises and lectures on the history of East Friesland 17, ISSN  0724-9772 ).
  • Ernst Kaeber: The youth of Prince Enno Ludwig of East Friesland. Friemann, Aurich 1911 ( treatises and lectures on the history of East Friesland 15).
  • Martin Stolzenau: East Friesland's first prince between high altitude and sudden end. In: Frisian homeland. Supplement to the display for Harlingerland . dated April 16, 2010.
  • Martin Tielke (Ed.): Biographical Lexicon for East Frisia . 4 volumes. Ostfriesische Landschaftliche Verlags- und Vertriebsgesellschaft, Aurich 1993–1997, ISBN 3-925365-75-3 (Vol. 1), ISBN 3-932206-00-2 (Vol. 2), ISBN 3-932206-22-3 (Vol . 3), ISBN 3-932206-62-2 (vol. 4).
predecessor Office successor
Ulrich II.
( Juliane of Hessen-Darmstadt as regent)
Count of East Friesland
from 1654 Prince
Georg Christian