Enrique Lihn

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Enrique Lihn Carrasco (born September 3, 1929 in Santiago de Chile , † July 10, 1988 ibid) was a Chilean poet and author. He became known for his poetry, but he also wrote short stories, novels, essays and plays.


Born in 1929 to Enrique Lihn Doll and María Carrasco Delano, Lihn first attended Saint George's College and later the Liceo Alemán in Santiago de Chile. In 1942, when he was only 13, he moved to the Escuela de Bellas Artes at the Universidad de Chile to study fine arts. However, he did not graduate and began to write instead. In 1949 he published his first volume of poetry, Nada se escurre. In 1952, together with Nicanor Parra and Alejandro Jodorowsky, he caused a sensation when they posted the poetic collage "Quebrantahuesos" in various public places in Santiago.

In 1965 he received a UNESCO scholarship to study museology in Europe and traveled to France. For his collection of poems, Poesía de paso , written in Europe , Lihn was awarded a Premio Casa de las Américas in 1966 and then spent two years in Santiago de Cuba. Later, especially after the "Padilla Affair" about the Cuban poet Heberto Padilla , Lihn distanced himself from Cuba. From 1970 to 1973 Lihn headed the taller de poesía at the Universidad Católica de Chile . Thanks to a Guggenheim scholarship, he spent a few months in New York in 1978. During this stay the poetry book A partir de Manhattan was written. During the Chilean military dictatorship, Lihn expressed his criticism of the social and political situation in his country with works such as El Paseo Ahumada and with his social and poetic mask of Gerardo de Pompier, which he let appear publicly in happenings.

In July 1988, Enrique Lihn died of cancer in Santiago de Chile at the age of 58. He documented the time of his illness in poetry; until shortly before his death he did not stop writing. These poems appeared posthumously under the title Diario de muerte and give a deep insight into the poet's confrontation with his own death.


Enrique Lihn is one of the so-called generación del 50 in Chile. After the great Chilean poets of the first half of the 20th century ( Gabriela Mistral , Pablo Neruda , Vicente Huidobro ), the younger generation had to reinvent and conquer poetry for themselves. Above all, Nicanor Parra distanced himself from the sublime lyrical voice of Neruda and made a far more colloquial and everyday language fertile for poetry. Influenced by Parra, Lihn developed his very own lyrical voice and an unmistakable style. The length of his verses is often reminiscent of poetic prose, and their themes sometimes approach the essay without ever giving up their poetic depth. Recurring themes in his poems are childhood and travel. The overriding theme of Lihn's poetry, however, is the language and the poetry itself. The reflection on his own writing and on the discrepancy between the world and the poem runs through his entire work.



  • 1949 - Nada se escurre , colección Orfeo, Talleres Gráficos Casa Nacional del Niño, Santiago
  • 1955 - Poemas de este tiempo y de otro , Ediciones Renovación, Santiago
  • 1963 - La pieza oscura , Editorial Universitaria, Santiago; available online via the Memoria Chilena portal . In 1972 a bilingual edition was published in París - La chambre noire - translated by Jean-Michel Fossey and designed by Roberto Matta
  • 1966 - Poesía de paso , Casa de las Américas, La Habana
  • 1969 - Escrito en Cuba , Alacena / Era, México DF
  • 1969 - La musiquilla de las pobres esferas , Universitaria, Santiago; available online via the Memoria Chilena portal
  • 1972 - Algunos poemas , colección OCNOS, Barral Editores, Barcelona
  • 1975 - Por fuerza mayor , colección OCNOS, Barral Editores, Barcelona
  • 1977 - París, situación irregular , foreword by Carmen Foxley; Ediciones Aconcagua
  • 1978 - Lihn y Pompier , Ediciones del Departamento de Estudios Humanísticos, Santiago
  • 1978 - The Dark Room and Other Poems , edited by P.Lerzundi, translated by J. Felstiner, J. Cohen, D. Unger; New Directions, Nueva York
  • 1979 - A partir de Manhattan , Universitaria, Santiago; available online via the Memoria Chilena portal
  • 1981 - Noticias del extranjero
  • 1981 - Antología al azar , Ruray, Lima
  • 1982 - Estación de los desamparados , Premia Editora, México DF
  • 1983 - Al bello aparecer de este lucero , Ediciones del Norte, Hanover, USA
  • 1983 - El Paseo Ahumada , with photos by Paz Errázuriz y Marcelo Montecino, drawings by the German artist Arestizábal; Ediciones Minga, Santiago; available online via the Memoria Chilena portal (2004: Ediciones UDP con prólogo de Alejandro Zambra y dos poemas añadidos)
  • 1986 - Pena de extrañamiento , Sin Fronteras, Santiago
  • 1987 - Mester de juglaría , Hiperión
  • 1987 - La aparición de la Virgen , with drawings and texts by Lihn
  • 1988 - Antología de paso , LOM Ediciones, Santiago
  • 1989 - Diario de muerte , edited and transcribed by Pedro Lastra and Adriana Valdés, Universitaria, Santiago; available online through the Memoria Chilena portal (2010: UDP con prólogo de Christopher Domínguez Michael)
  • 2012 - La efímera vulgata , with photographs by Luis Poirot; UDP, Santiago

Posthumous anthologies

  • 1989 - Álbum de toda especie de poemas , with a foreword by the author; Editorial Lumen, Barcelona
  • 1995 - Porque escribí , edited by Eduardo Llanos Melussa
  • 1999 - Figures of Speech, Poems by Enrique Lihn , edited and translated by Dave Oliphant
  • 2005 - Una nota estridente , UDP, Santiago
  • 2009 - Una voz parecida al contrario , Casa de las Américas, La Habana
  • 2012 - La aparición de la Virgen y otros poemas políticos (1963-1987) (Edited by Andrés Florit Cento. Foreword by Vicente Undurraga)


  • 1952 - Introducción a la poesía de Nicanor Parra
  • 1959 - "Pedro Luna, el pintor" en Pedro Luna , Instituto de Extesión de Artes Plásticas, Universidad de Chile
  • 1966 - «Definición de un poeta», Anales de la Universidad de Chile , nº137 enero-marzo
  • 1971 - La cultura en la vía chilena al socialismo
  • 1983 - Sobre el estructuralismo de Ignacio Valente
  • 1987 - Señales de ruta de Juan Luis Martínez , article written with Pedro Lastra; available online via the Memoria Chilena portal
  • 1988 - Eugenio Téllez, descubridor de invenciones , imprenta Ograma, Santiago
  • 1996 - El circo en llamas , críticas literarias; edited by Germán Marín, LOM, Santiago
  • 2008 - Textos sobre arte , compiled and edited by Adriana Valdés and Ana María Risco; UDP, Santiago


  • 1964 - Agua de arroz , Ediciones del Litoral, Santiago
  • 1972 - Diez cuentos de bandidos , anthology with a foreword by Lihn; Quimantu, Santiago. Contains:
    • «Quilapán», de Baldomero Lillo; "Complot", de Olegario Lazo Baeza; "Los dos", de Rafael Maluenda; "El cuarto de las garras", de Fernando Santiván; "El aspado", de Mariano Latorre; "Pat'e cabra", de Víctor Domingo Silva; "Cuesta arriba", de Luis Durand; «El último disparo del Negro Chávez», de Óscar Castro; y "La espera", de Guillermo Blanco
  • 1989 - La República Independiente de Miranda , Editorial Sudamericana
  • 2005 - Huacho y Pochocha , contiene 10 textos de sus dos anteriores libros de cuentos; Sudamericana, Santiago
  • 2017 - Cuentos reunidos , contains 12 texts from the volume Agua de arroz and from La República Independiente de Miranda , with a foreword by Roberto Careaga; Ediciones UDP, Santiago


  • 1973 - Batman en Chile , Ediciones de la Flor, Buenos Aires. Released in 2008 by Bordura Ediciones, Santiago.
  • 1976 - La orquesta de cristal , Editorial Sudamericana, Buenos Aires (2013: Editorial Hueders, Santiago)
  • 1980 - El arte de la palabra , Editorial Pomaire, España.


  • Café concert
  • Las gallinas , written in the 1970s; first performed under the direction of Pedro Vicuña on March 22, 2007 in the Sala Agustín Siré (Morandé 750, Santiago)
  • La Mekka , first performed by Gustavo Mezaen in December 1984 at the Imagen theater, Santiago
  • Niu York, cartas marcadas , premiered in 1985 by the author and the theater company Paseo Ahumada at Casa Larga, Santiago
  • La radio , 1987
  • La comedia de los bandidos , premiered in 1994, directed by Aldo Parodi
  • Copelius y Copelia
  • Diálogos de desaparecidos , 2018

Other works

  • 1992 - Roma, la loba , publicado en Un cómic , edited by Pablo Brodsky; available online through the Memoria Chilena portal ;
  • 2006 - Enrique Lihn: Entrevistas (selected by Daniel Fuenzalida, edited by Juan Carlos Saéz)
  • 2016 - Las cartas de Eros

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Enrique Lihn (1929-1988) - Memoria Chilena. Retrieved September 25, 2019 (Spanish).
  2. ^ Enrique Lihn (1929-1988) - Memoria Chilena. Retrieved September 25, 2019 (Spanish).
  3. ^ Enrique Lihn (1929-1988) - Memoria Chilena. Retrieved September 25, 2019 (Spanish).