Enrique Yáñez

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Enrique Yáñez (born June 17, 1908 in Mexico City , † 1990 ibid.) Was a Mexican architect .


Centro Medico Nacional "La Raza"

Yáñez studied architecture at the National School of Architecture of the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) and received his diploma in 1938. Yáñez is considered to be the cornerstone of Mexican social and hospital architecture, worked on the concepts of IMSS and ISSSTE with Carlos Obregón Santacilia and published numerous specialist literature.

His construction for the Sindicatos Mexicano de Electricistas (SME), completed in 1940 in cooperation with David Alfaro Siqueiros and Fermín Revueltas Sánchez , was one of the first buildings in Mexico with integrated sculptures . From 1945 to 1952 he worked on the construction of the Centro Medico Nacional “La Raza” medical center and a number of other clinic buildings followed, including the cooperation project of the national medical center with José Chávez Morado , David Alfaro Siqueiros, Luis Ortiz Monasterio and Luis Nishizawa in between 1954 and 1961. Between 1964 and 1978 he designed other buildings in the health sector, including the maternity hospital "La Maternidad" in Nonoalco , the central hospitals of Torreón , Tampico and Saltillo as well as the López-Mateos - and the Ricardo-Flores-Magón -Clinic in Mexico City.

Yáñez was since 1984 "numbered member" (Miembro de Número) of the Academia de Artes .

Web links


  1. ^ Academia de Artes: Arquitectura - Enrique Yáñez