Eremaeozetes irenae

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Eremaeozetes irenae
Subordination : Horn mites (Oribatida)
Superfamily : Eremaeozetoidea
Family : Eremaeozetidae
Genre : Eremaeozetes
Type : Eremaeozetes irenae
Scientific name
Eremaeozetes irenae
Sweetheart , 2001

Eremaeozetes irenae is a horn mite of the family of Eremaeozetidae extending from dead plant material fed. It wasfound and describedby Heinrich Schatz as part of extensive collective expeditions to the Galápagos Islands between 1982and 1988 together with Eremaeozetes darwini . These two species represent the first records of the genus Eremaeozetes in the Galápagos Islands.

The genus Eremaeozetes was established by Antonio Berlese in 1913 and currently includes 31 known species. These occur in various tropical and subtropical regions of the world and are known from the Oriental , Ethiopian , Neotropical regions and Oceania .


In the adult stage, Eremaeozetes irenae differs from other species of the genus by the following combinations of features: the cerotegument forms clearly defined, umbrella-like structures with a wrinkled pattern around the notogastral setae and around the notogastric lyrifissures , interlamellar apophysis present, notogasters with back structures, all notogastral tetra and ventral structures are setiform .

The known distribution of the species is limited to the Galápagos Islands. Morphologically, Eremaeozetes irenae is similar to the species Eremaeozetes lineatus Mahunka , 1985 , from which it differs mainly in the different shape of the lamellae, the position of the lenticulus, and the larger physique. The juvenile stages of Eremaeozetes irenae have also been examined and are of the plicate (pleated) type.

Adult individuals are almost completely covered with a brown to dark brown wrinkled cerotegument. For a more precise analysis of the surface structure, the cerotegument is removed by placing the mite in a ten percent KOH solution for 24 hours . After the cerotegument is removed, the notogastric and ventral surfaces appear light brown and reticulate. The legs are single-clawed. The nymph stages belong to the "pleated" type.


Eremaeozetes irenae is known from four islands in the Galápagos Archipelago : Pinta , Pinzón , Santa Cruz and Isabela on the Sierra Negra volcano . No morphological differences were observed between the individual populations of the various islands. The species occurs consistently in the low, arid zones of the islands.


Eremaeozetes irenae is separate sex. The females (470–510 × 255–280 µm) usually carry 1–2 large eggs and are larger than the males (440–470 × 225–255 µm). Apart from the size, there is no noticeable sexual dimorphism .


Eremaeozetes irenae belongs to a group of species with longitudinal ribs on the Notogaster. Such ribs are known from several Eremaeozetes species. Eremaeozetes irenae was compared with the morphologically similar species Eremaeozetes lineatus . Both species have a similar structure to the cerotegument around the Notogaster bristles, each have an interlamellar apophysis and a similar structure of the ribs on the Notogaster. The main differences between the two species are the cerotegument bands on the lateral Notogaster margin, which are only present in Eremaeozetes irenae . Likewise, the cerotegument structures around the Notogaster bristles in Eremaeozetes irenae are more pronounced. There are also differences in the shape of the lamellar cuspids and setae.


The species was dedicated to the descriptor's wife, the biologist Irene Schatz.


  1. ^ A b c Heinrich Schatz: The genus Eremaeozetes (Acari: Oribatida) on the Galápagos Islands. Pp. 475-483 f., 2001
  2. ^ Antonio Berlese: Acari nuovi, Manipoli VII-VIII. Redia, 9, pp. 77-111, 1913
  3. a b Sandor Mahunka: Mites (Acari) from St. Lucia (Antilles). 2. Oribatida. Acta Zool. Hung., 31 (1-3), pp. 119-178, 1985
  4. ^ J. Trave, HM Andre, G. Taberly & F. Bernini: Les Acariens Oribates. AGAR Publishers, Wavre, Belgium, 1996

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