Erhard I of Chacenay

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Erhard I of Chacenay (French: Érard de Chacenay ; † 1191 before Akkon ) was a lord of the castle of Chacenay ( House Chacenay ) in Champagne . He was a son of Jacob of Chacenay († ~ 1152/58) and Agnes of Brienne.

Erhard I was first mentioned in a document with his older brother Thomas in 1158. At first Thomas took over the rule of Chacenay Castle after the death of his father, but after he died in 1179, Erhard I was able to take over it, although the older brother still had a son. Shortly afterwards he set out on an armed pilgrimage to the Holy Land for the first time, from which he returned in 1183 at the latest. In 1189 Erhard announced his participation in the third crusade . He belonged to the advance command of the French Crusaders, which was led to Outremer in the summer of 1190 by his liege lord, Count Henry II of Champagne . Like his cousins Anséric II of Montréal and John I of Arcis , Erhard died in 1191 during the siege of Acre .

Erard I was married twice, first to a woman named Mathilde, who is believed to be a daughter of Gottfried III. from Donzy ( House of Semur ) was. She must have died by 1183 at the latest, since from this year a Felicite is named as his wife. It is unclear who the mother of his children was:

  • Jacob († around 1191).
  • Erhard II († 1236), Lord of Chacenay.
  • Clementia, ∞ with Odo II of Grancey.


  • Charles Lalore, Les sires et les barons de Chacenay. Troyes 1885 ( online ).


  1. Lalore, No. 40, p. 21 f.
  2. Lalore, No. 55, pp. 27 f.
  3. Lalore, No. 56, p. 29.
  4. Lalore, No. 61, p. 30 f.
  5. Itinerarium peregrinorum et gesta regis Ricardi, ed. by William Stubbs, Chronicles and Memorials of the Reign of Richard I, in: Rolls Series, Vol. 38.1 (1864), p. 92.
  6. Alberich von Trois-Fontaines , Chronica, ed. by Georg Heinrich Pertz in: MGH, SS , Vol. 23 (1874), p. 868.

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