Erich-Wolfgang Hartzsch

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Erich-Wolfgang Hartzsch (born October 23, 1952 in Chemnitz ) is a German painter, graphic artist and media artist who was part of the GDR's independent art scene.

His work includes painting, plastic objects, sculptures, photography, film, music, ceramics and ink drawings, as well as poetry and musical experiments.

life and work

Hartzsch finished his training as a chemical plant engineer in 1970. From 1971 to 1976 he studied mechanical engineering and from 1976 to 1979 he studied painting and graphics at the Dresden University of Fine Arts / Oederan branch.

From 1980 he worked musically with Klaus Hähner-Springmühl , Andreas Hartzsch, Frank Rassbach, Gitte Hähner-Springmühl in the potato peeling machine group. From 1985 onwards the first longer experimental films were made, for example Himmelsleiter , Gelena and Der Zauberer 1 + 2 . In 1988 a series of artist books were created as unique "Einbuch" items. For Hartzsch, the period up to 1990 was characterized by intensive cooperation and friendship with Klaus Hähner-Springmühl. Between 1996 and 2006 he created his so-called "meditation panel pictures " made of paper, terracotta , photography, as well as twelve volumes of poetry with illustrations. In 2007 he created colored works on linen and paper with the title Construction and Human Figure , in 2008 the 13th volume of poems with illustrations. From 2006 to 2009 she created works on linen and paper, video experiments / photography, construction and color , books as diaries, objects. Graphics are printed by Hartzsch himself on a leather press.

Solo exhibitions (selection)

  • 1985 Galerie Clara, Mosch Karl-Marx-Stadt
  • 1986 Galerie Oben , Karl-Marx-Stadt
  • 1988 Galerie am Markt, Annaberg
  • 1989 Schauspielhaus Gallery, Karl-Marx-Stadt
  • 1989 Galerie Pablo Neruda Club, Karl-Marx-Stadt
  • 1991 Gallery 88, Hanau
  • 1991 Galerie Oben, Chemnitz
  • 1995 Galerie Oben, Chemnitz
  • 1998 Gallery in the Lindenhaus, Augustusburg Castle
  • 2000 Municipal Gallery, Riesa
  • 2000 Castle Church, Chemnitz
  • 2002 Galerie Oben, Chemnitz
  • 2011 Galerie Laterne, Chemnitz
  • 2013 Galerie Bethanien, Berlin
  • 2018 Galerie alina art galerie, Leipzig
  • 2019 Museum of Fine Arts Leipzig , catalog

Experimental film and photography

Most of his films were made between 1978 and 1989. His films did not reach public cinemas, but were made within the art scene, e. B. shown in museums, galleries and artist houses. His photographic work includes overpainting, collages and object art .

  • 1996 "The Other Cinema" independently produced narrow films in the GDR (1978–1986), Filmmuseum Potsdam
  • NN "Counter-images, cinematic subversio in the GDR 1976–1986", book premiere in the "Central" Kino Berlin Mitte
  • 2004 Participation in the documentary film Aus Liebe zum Volk
  • 2013 Exhibition by Klaus Hähner-Springmühl in the Galerie Bethanien Berlin, showing the films People of this City and Himmelsleiter
  • "Green eye"
  • "Ladder to heaven"
  • "Gelena"
  • "The Wizard 1"
  • "The Wizard 2"
  • "People of this city"
  • "Ham under the paper"
  • "Mirabilia"
  • "People on average"
  • "Culture pyramid or a dream in the green"
  • "Brain wheel"
  • "Fork bite"
  • "Fish, water, head"
  • "Field lines"
  • "Earth crust"
  • "Oak leaf"
  • "The feeding"

Publicly owned work

Saxon State Ministry of Science and Art , Institute of Modern Art Nuremberg , Art Collection Deutsche Bank , Kunstsammlungen Chemnitz , Kupferstichkabinett Dresden , Rostock Art Museum , Art Collection North Rhine-Westphalia , Chemnitz Opera House , Envia Chemnitz , Art Fund of Saxony, Kupferstichkabinett of Schwerin Museum New Saxon Gallery


  • Jürgen Henne: Hartzsch, Erich Wolfgang . In: General Artist Lexicon . The visual artists of all times and peoples (AKL). Volume 70, de Gruyter, Berlin 2011, ISBN 978-3-11-023175-5 , p. 11.
  • Karin Fritzsche, Claus Löser (ed.): Counter-images. Cinematic subversion in the GDR 1976 - 1989. Texts, images, dates . Berlin: Janus Press 1996. ISBN 3-92894238-7