Erich Deutsch

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Erich Deutsch (born August 25, 1899 in Charlottenburg near Berlin , † November 30, 1969 in Hennef (Sieg) ) was a German SPD politician .


Erich Deutsch attended elementary school and did a commercial apprenticeship. In 1913 he joined a trade union and in 1917 the Independent Social Democratic Party of Germany (USPD). He became a construction clerk and then attended a training school. He was drafted in 1917 during the First World War . During the November Revolution , Deutsch was a member of a workers 'and soldiers' council . In 1919 he switched to the SPD, where he was also a functionary in Frankfurt (Oder) . There he was active in the central association of employees . In 1923 he became a member of the main board of the Federation of Technical Employees and Officials (BUTAB). The following year he moved to Dietz Verlag in Berlin, where he was also the organizer of the book circle . With the seizure of power of the Nazis in 1933 became unemployed German first from 1936 he was an accountant .

After the Second World War , German was a technical businessman and became chairman of the SPD of the Treptow district . The Treptow district mayor Erwin Bennewitz resigned from the city ​​council of Greater Berlin in January 1947 , so German was able to move up in parliament. He was also re-elected in the subsequent elections in 1948 and 1950 . In 1954 he left parliament.
