Erich Dolezal

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Lecturer Erich Dolezal (born November 22, 1902 in Villach , Carinthia , † July 17, 1990 in Vienna ) was an Austrian science fiction writer, astronomer and popular educator who also published as Erik Lindenau .


Dolezal studied mechanical engineering at the Vienna Technical University and worked from 1930 to 1945 in the scientific management of the Austrian Radio Verkehrs AG . In 1945 he founded the Volkssternwarte Wien- Ottakring and was a lecturer in astronomical education at the Vienna Volkshochschule Ottakring. He was the founder and editor-in-chief and at times also the publisher of the Austrian magazine "Universum - Natur und Technik" as well as a board member of the Austrian Society for Space Research. In 1963 he was awarded the title of professor.


Dolezal has given more than 1,000 lectures on space travel since 1929 and has made numerous lecture tours. He also wrote numerous utopian novels and short stories for young people , in which he always tried to write scientifically and astronomically correct. The novel "New Land in Space" contains a correct description of the entire solar system based on the astronomical knowledge of 1958. In his novels from the fifties, too, he tried to be objectivity, in that, in technical terms, he closely followed the plans of Wernher von Braun and the NASA -oriented.

Awards and honors

In 1995 the asteroid (5884) Dolezal was named after him.


The Trilogy / Martin Weltley Series
  • RS 11 is silent (1953)
  • Moon in Flames (1954)
  • Enterprise Mars (1955)
The solar system astronauts
  • The Astronauts (1959)
  • Solar System Fortress (1962)
The dilogy
  • Planet in the Nebula (1962)
  • Escape to the Space City (1964)
Individual works
  • The call of the stars. Strange story of a space trip (1930)
  • Boundaries above us. Science Fiction (1940)
  • Beyond space and time. Utopian novel (1946)
  • Alarm from Atomville (1956)
  • New Land in Space (1958)
  • Second X - Sky Ships Landing (1958)
  • Space travel - dream travel (1961)
  • Advance into Space (1964)
  • Star stage planetarium (1964)
  • Beyond Space and Time (1968)
  • Kidnapped by Gods (1972, also as In Search of the Stolen Earth Inhabitants , 1980)


  • Hans Joachim Alpers , Werner Fuchs , Ronald M. Hahn : Reclam's science fiction guide. Reclam, Stuttgart 1982, ISBN 3-15-010312-6 , p. 133.
  • Franz Rottensteiner : Erich Dolezal: Science fiction as education for space travel. In: Walter Delabar, Frauke Schlieckau (Ed.): Bluescreen. Visions, dreams, nightmares and reflections of the fantastic and utopian. Aisthesis, Bielefeld 2010, ISBN 978-3-89528-769-5 , pp. 99-104. Also in: Franz Rottensteiner: In the laboratory of visions. Notes on the fantastic literature. 19 articles and lectures from the years 2000–2012. Verlag Dieter van Reeken, Lüneburg 2013, ISBN 978-3-940679-72-7 , pp. 151-159.
  • Franz Rottensteiner: Dolezal, Erich . In: Christoph F. Lorenz (Ed.): Lexicon of Science Fiction Literature since 1900. With a look at Eastern Europe. Peter Lang, Frankfurt am Main a. a. 2016, ISBN 978-3-63167-236-5 , pp. 245-252.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Minor Planet Circ. 24765