Erich Fickler

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Erich Fickler (born December 3, 1874 in Clausthal ; † May 31, 1935 in Bad Nauheim ) was chairman of the board and general director of Harpener Bergbau AG , member of the Ruhrlade and chairman of the supervisory board of the Rheinisch-Westfälischen Kohlen-Syndikats .

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After studying at the Clausthal mining academy , Erich Fickler became a mountain trainee in 1899. Then he was a mountain assessor in Halle . From 1903 to 1905 he was a teacher at the mountain school in Bochum .

In 1905 Fickler joined Harpener Bergbau AG , where in 1907 he became works director of the Gneisenau and Scharnhorst collieries. In 1914 he joined the board and in 1923 became chairman of the board and general manager. In 1927 he became chairman of the supervisory board of the Rhine-Westphalian coal syndicate . He was also a board member of the RDI and a member of various supervisory boards.

Fickler was one of the early financiers of the NSDAP . He was also a participant in the secret meeting of February 20, 1933 .



  1. ^ Richard J. Barnet: Alliance: America, Europe, Japan, Makers of the Postwar World . Simon & Schuster 1985, p. 36.

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