Erich Melchior Lunde

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Erich Melchior Lunde (born May 7, 1672 in Pattensen , † August 15, 1726 in Osterode am Harz ) was a German Lutheran theologian and general superintendent of the General Diocese of Grubenhagen and on the Harz .


Erich Melchior Lunde was a son of Pastor Jonas Lunde. After studying theology, he was assigned to his father as an adjunct in Mandelsloh in 1700 . In 1701 he took over his position. In 1708 he was appointed superintendent to Osterode, where he was able to gain increasing trust and break through the resistance of the local clergy against the patronage of the state. In 1710 the spiritual city ministry was dissolved under the leadership of the pastor primarius of the Aegidienkirche. All the clergy in the city were subordinate to the superintendent. After the death of Caspar CalvörLunde was appointed general superintendent on March 1, 1726. During his short term of office, the church's administrative structures were reorganized, which brought the parishes Herzberg, Eisdorf, Elbingerode, Hattorf, Wulften, Schwiegershausen, Dorste, Nienstedt-Förste and Sieber to Osterode. Lunde died after a few months on August 15, 1726 and was buried in the St. Jacobi Castle Church in Osterode.


  • The good or best part of believing children of God ... At a handsome and crowded funeral of ... Anna Juliana Fischer's ... Johann Henrich Rettberg's ... widow's surviving wife, When she was the 25th T. Octobr. Evening to 4th clocks of the 1715th year ... different ... / Presented by, Erico Melchiore Lunden ... , Clausthal, printed with Wilckische Schrifften, 1715; Digitized via the Göttingen State and University Library


  • Wolfgang Müller: The churches and monasteries at Osterode (Harz) . Osterode am Harz 1952, pp. 95f.
  • Philipp Meyer (Ed.): The pastors of the regional churches of Hanover and Schaumburg-Lippes since the Reformation . On behalf of the Hanover Regional Church Office on behalf of the Society for Church History of Lower Saxony in community with numerous employees, Volume 2, Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1942, pp. 118, 253

Individual evidence

  1. n.v . : Lunde, Erich Melchior in the database of Niedersächsische Personen ( new entry required ) of the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Library - Lower Saxony State Library [undated], last accessed on May 19, 2020