Erich Porsch

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Erich Porsch (born April 23, 1909 in Oberhausen ; † October 20, 1944 in Munich ) was a member or supporter of the resistance group around Franz Zielasko and was executed as a victim of the Nazi justice system in Munich-Stadelheim .


Erich Porsch lived in Gladbeck , Westphalia , at Breukerstraße 90. Franz Zielasko, who was trained in the Soviet Union , jumped parachute over Poland and traveled to the Ruhr area in 1943 to build a network and organize resistance against the Nazis . Erich Porsch is said to have been one of his contact persons and supporters in Gladbeck. In August 1943 the Gestapo crushed the group around Zielasko. In the course of the wave of arrests in several cities in the Ruhr area, the numbers fluctuate between 44 and 56 arrested, Porsch was also arrested. On June 21, 1944, the People's Court sentenced him to death. On October 20, 1944 he was with other members of the Zielasko group such as Friedrich Struckmeier , Gerhard Possner , Andreas Schillack sen. and Andreas Schillack jun. executed with the guillotine in Stadelheim.


In memory of Erich Porsch, a stumbling block was built into the footpath in front of the house at Breukerstraße 90 in Gladbeck . The inscription reads “HIER WOHNTE - ERICH PORSCH - JG. 1919 - MURDERED 10/20/1944 - RESISTANCE ".

Individual evidence

  1. Irene Stuiber: Executed in Munich-Stadelheim , Landeshauptstadt München Kulturreferat, Books on Demand, Munich 2004, pp. 40 and 43, ISBN 3-8334-0733-6 . PDF file ( Memento of the original dated December 11, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  2. How many heroes can there be? . Published on April 1, 2014 in Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung , accessed on March 16, 2015.
  3. ^ Karl-Heinz Klaiber: 455 stumbling blocks in 139 German cities commemorate the victims of the resistance against National Socialism. P. 8.