Erich Volkmar von Berlepsch (district chief)

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Erich Volkmar von Berlepsch , at the time mostly Erich Volckmar von Berlepsch , according to family counting Erich Volkmar IV. Von Berlepsch (born February 21, 1707 in Urleben ; † February 22, 1749 ibid), was a princely Saxon governor in Weißenfels . He was in the service of the Duke of Saxe-Weissenfels. Later he was district commissioner and most recently royal-Polish and electoral-Saxon district chief in Thuringia.


He came from the noble von Berlepsch family and was the son of Hans Ernst von Berlepsch and his wife Hippolita Elisabeth nee von Rahna. After his father's death, he received his estate in Urleben and a smaller estate in Großengottern , called the Thamsbrück 'Sche Vorwerk.

While Erich Volkmar von Berlepsch was referred to as the Princely Saxon governor in Weißenfels in 1733, one year later he was already provable as district commissioner, most recently as district chief.

He was buried on February 26, 1749 in the mountain church in Urleben. His grave monument has been preserved in this Protestant church to this day.


Erich Volkmar von Berlepsch had two surviving underage sons: Gottlob Erich (born March 4, 1734 in Urleben) and Heinrich Moritz von Berlepsch (born August 27, 1736 in Urleben). The former is designated as a Chamberlain and captain in 1755, as a kitchen master in 1764 and the latter also as a Chamberlain in 1755 and in 1764 as Chamberlain and the Thuringia governor . He died on December 3, 1809 in the coming Zwatzen .


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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Certificate from the pastor in Groß- und Kleinuhrleben, Christian Gottfried Haße dated November 15, 1749.