Erich Vienna

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Erich Wiens (born November 10, 1883 in Elbing , † February 15, 1940 in Berlin ) was a German journalist.


Erich Wiens graduated from the municipal high school in Düsseldorf. He then studied history and political science at the Silesian Friedrich Wilhelms University . On May 11, 1902 , he renounced the Corps Marcomannia Breslau . On February 10, 1903 recipiert , he was released on November 17, 1903 without a band. He moved to the Sorbonne Université and the Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg . With a dissertation on François Dorval Langlois-de Fancan he was in 1908 in Heidelberg to Dr. phil. PhD. After he had received Marcomannia's ribbon on December 1, 1906, he was philistine on February 10, 1908 . After completing his doctorate, he served as a one-year volunteer with the Kaiser Franz Garde Grenadier Regiment No. 2 . He then became a scientific assistant at the Chamber of Commerce in Düsseldorf. In 1910 he became a member of the editorial team of the Kölnische Zeitung in Brussels. 1914-1918 he fought as a company commander and battalion leader on the Western Front (First World War) . He received the Iron Cross, 2nd and 1st class. In 1924 he became editor-in-chief of the Deutsche Zeitung in Berlin. He wrote in particular on economic and socio-political topics. He was a member of the German Men's Club .


Individual evidence

  1. Kösener Corpslisten 1960, 82/169
  2. ^ Dissertation: Fancan and his diplomatic missions from 1624–1625 .
  3. ^ Archives of the Corps Marcomannia Breslau