Erik Gedeon

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Erik Gedeon (born December 7, 1963 in Bern , Switzerland ) is a Swedish-Swiss author , director and composer who works in German and Swedish theaters .


The son of Swedish-Swiss parents studied piano and composition in Bern (Switzerland) and Liège / Lüttich (Belgium) . In 1993 he began to work as a stage musician at the Schauspielhaus Hannover under the then director Ulrich Khuon . This resulted in numerous stage music for the Hanover Theater (such as Angels in America , What you want , Armaments for Immortality or Nathan the Wise ). He wrote the two programs No other way to the Magic Flute and The Simultaneousness of Stille for the vocal group Jacqueline Kroll . In 1995 he wrote and staged nothing for the Schloßtheater Celle - but you , a play about the life and music of Cole Porter, and in 1996 the musical soap . Since 1997 he has also created his own works in Hanover: Götterfunken , One man too many , SCHNULZ! , Sentimental Journey , FressOrgie by Wilfried Happel and the musical program Forever Young .

From 2000 to 2002 Erik Gedeon was musical director at the Thalia Theater . He wrote and staged the Thalia Vista Social Club and The Return of Thalia Vista evenings for the Thalia Theater, which have now become cult events . With over 300 sold out performances, the two evenings are among the most popular performances under the aegis of Ulrich Khuon.

In 2003 he staged the operetta Im Weißen Rößl by Ralph Benatzky at the Thalia Theater , and in 2005 the opera Der Freischütz by Carl Maria von Weber at the Bremen Theater . As part of the Festival Theater der Welt 2005 in Stuttgart, Gedeon was responsible for the direction and musical direction at the world premiere of the play Schwabenblues by Felix Huby , for which he also wrote the songs. The co-production between the Stuttgart State Theater , Theater Lindenhof Melchingen and the Schwäbisch Hall open-air theater has been played over 100 times since then.

With more than 100 performances, his two evenings for goods Schauspielhaus Cologne , strawberry fields forever. A really funny evening with singing Germans (2004) and Europe for beginners. An evening with Turk (2005) was particularly successful.

In the meantime, Erik Gedeon develops and stages his evenings as director, author and musical director in personal union, often in close cooperation with the dramaturge Christiane Baumgartner. This created the new dramatic art form of song drama . In this form, a further development of the recital , spoken text is almost completely dispensed with; Action and dialogue take place exclusively through songs. In contrast to musicals , spoken theater actors play and sing. A striking feature of all of Gedeon's theater work is the weird, often black humor. With his latest works, The Miracle of Sweden and Theatertreffen , Gedeon approaches other musical-theatrical genres such as the scenic oratorio or the classical singspiel in a parodic way.

Forever young , the further development of Thalia Vista Social Club , premiered in Dresden in 2007 and is now also played in Berlin, Paderborn, Nottingham, Oslo, Copenhagen, Karlstad, Helsinki and Laxenburg near Vienna.

Work (selection)

  • 1997: Spark of the Gods. An evening of joy - Schauspielhaus Hannover
  • 1999: SCHNULZ! - Hanover Theater
  • 2001: Thalia Vista Social Club - Thalia Theater Hamburg
  • 2002: The Return of Thalia Vista - Thalia Theater Hamburg
  • 2003: family hit. A musical reunification - Bremen theater
  • 2004: Strawberry fields forever. A really funny evening with singing Germans - Schauspielhaus Köln
  • 2004: Monkey Show - Thalia Theater Hamburg - was never performed
  • 2005: Singing for Germany - Bremen Theater
  • 2005: Europe for Beginners. An evening with Turk - Schauspielhaus Cologne
  • 2006: Hartz IV - The Musical - Staatsschauspiel Dresden
  • 2006: My Ball. A German Dream - Schauspielhaus Hamburg
  • 2006: Grand Coalition - Düsseldorfer Schauspielhaus
  • 2007: Consolation Prize for Germany - Schauspielhaus Hamburg
  • 2007: Forever Young - State Theater Dresden
  • 2007: Stairways to heaven - Düsseldorfer Schauspielhaus
  • 2008: Gypsy Boy - Schauspielhaus Hamburg
  • 2009: The miracle of Sweden. A musical furniture saga (together with Klas Abrahamsson) - Schauspielhaus Hamburg
  • 2010: Theatertreffen. A Singspiel from the Alps - Theater Lindenhof Melchingen / Ruhrfestspiele Recklinghausen
  • 2010: Ingvar (together with Klas Abrahamsson) - Malmö stadsteater
  • 2012: Min vän Facisten (together with Klas Abrahamsson) - Malmö stadsteater

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