Felix Huby

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Felix Huby , actually Eberhard Hungerbühler (born December 21, 1938 in Dettenhausen ), is a German journalist , screenwriter and writer .


Felix Huby was initially editor at the Schwäbische Donau-Zeitung in Ulm (today Südwest Presse ), later editor-in-chief of the product test magazine DM and the magazine X-Magazin . From 1972 to 1979 he was the Baden-Württemberg correspondent for Spiegel .

Huby has been writing detective novels since 1976. He has written numerous scripts for television series and Tatort episodes for German television . He created, among others, the crime scene inspectors Max Palu, Jan Casstorff and Ernst Bienzle . Bienzle is also the main character in a crime series that now comprises over 15 volumes. With the novel The Sniper Huby opened another crime series in which Bienzle also plays a supporting role. The main character is Peter Heiland, a Swabian commissioner who is investigating in Berlin. For the legendary character Horst Schimanski , played by Götz George , Huby wrote one of two pilot films for WDR in 1981 - as his first script ever . He wrote a portrait of Martin Luther King for the publishing house Das Beste .

He lives in Berlin, is married and has two grown sons.

honors and awards

Works (selection)


Children's / youth books

  • Paul Pepper crime series
  • Robin Hood
  • Störtebeker
  • Four friends on a hot track
  • Four friends blow up the smuggler's ring
  • Burglary in the Laboratory (1977)
  • Felix & Co and the Great Train Robbery (1979)
  • Felix & Co and the Fight in the Mountains (1981)
  • Felix & Co and the Hunt in the Moor (1982)


  • Oh, how good that nobody knows
  • The Weihersbronn nuclear war
  • The Snake Bite (with Fred Breinersdorfer )
  • Good night, Bienzle
  • The sniper
  • Pastor Lenau
  • The people of Bärenbach
  • Bienzle and the game of fools
  • Bienzle and the beautiful Lau
  • Bienzle and the last confession
  • Bienzel's worst case
  • Bienzle in the realm of the godfather
  • Bienzle and the latch killer
  • Bienzle and the long anger
  • Bienzle and the honest man
  • Terrloff
  • Death in the Tauern tunnel
  • Home years
  • Years of apprenticeship
  • Mirror years


Individual evidence

  1. Eberhard Hungerbühler: Martin Luther King - The dream of peace, in: The great youth book 26th episode. Stuttgart 1985. pp. 42-51.
  2. https://stm.baden-wuerttemberg.de/de/service/presse/pressemitteilung/pid/verdienstorden-des-landes-an-18-verdiente-persoenlichkeit/
  3. Archive link ( Memento of the original from September 27, 2007 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.tatort-fundus.de
  4. http://www.kino.de/star/felix-huby/77082.html
  5. http://55sommer.de/

Web links