Wilfried Happel

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Wilfried Happel (born July 2, 1965 in Nuremberg ) is a German writer and theater director.


Wilfried Happel studied German and philosophy in Cologne and Frankfurt am Main . He writes plays , short stories, radio plays and film scripts . His theatrical text "play with ten titles" was published in 2006 by the publishing house of the authors . He staged Artheater in Cologne as a guest performance in the Der Keller theater "End with Schubert !!" in Berlin "The Walker" after Robert Walser at the Theater am Ufer 2000. Happel works on the Würzburg off-theater stage "Theater Ensemble" at regular intervals . He lives in Berlin.

Plays (selection)

  • The pubic hair (premiere stage of the city of Cologne 1994)
  • Mordslust (World Premiere of the City of Cologne 1995)
  • Eating orgy or the god as soup meat (WP Autorenspektakel Hannover 2000)
  • The Noodle Eater (Premiere Deutsches Theater, Berlin 2000)
  • In-Contenance (Off-UA Berlin 2001)
  • Beloved Mars (Off-WP Potsdam 2002)
  • Die Wortlose (WP Gostner Hoftheater, Nuremberg 2002)
  • My Uncle Bob (UA State Theater Nuremberg 2003)
  • Fish feed (UA Stadttheater Bremerhaven 2005)
  • Play with ten titles (WP Theaterwerkstatt Würzburg 2017)
  • Neukölln-Tehran
  • The act of love


  • Franziska Schößler: Eye-Glances: Memory, Time and History in Dramas of the Nineties. Narr, Tübingen 2004 (= Forum modern theater, 33), chapter 3.1.3, p. 271 ff. ("Wilfried Happel, John von Düffel - Autistic Family Games")

Web links