Erik Magnusson

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Erik Magnusson (on his seal).
Erik Magnusson's coat of arms.

Erik Magnusson , Duke of Södermanland , (* 1282 ; † 1318 ) was the son of Magnus Ladulås and his wife Hedwig von Holstein .

Erik stood out early on through greater fame than his brother Birger , who would one day inherit the crown. In this competition he also found support in his other brother Waldemar .

During his youth he got engaged to Ingeborg Håkonsdotter from Norway. But when he asked for the wedding in 1308 , King Håkon V refused to give him his daughter because he had supported Erik's brother Birger in the Swedish power struggle.

Erik later made a pilgrimage to Vienna , and then broke his engagement to Sofia von Verle ( Erik Menved's niece ), after which he became engaged again to Ingeborg. He finally married her in Oslo in 1312 .

For the power struggle between the dukes and King Birger see Banquet of Nyköping . Erik died in Nyköpingshus prison in 1318 .

The Erik Chronicle is a propaganda piece that comes from Duke Erik, but actually about his successors.


  1. Magnus Eriksson , King of Sweden, * 1316 .
  2. Eufemia Eriksdotter , * 1317 , married to Albrecht II of Mecklenburg and mother of the future King of Sweden Albrecht of Mecklenburg