Ernest Adolf Spiegel

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Ernest Adolf Spiegel (born July 24, 1895 in Vienna ; † 1985 ) was an American neurologist from Austria .


Spiegel was the son of a doctor and studied medicine at the University of Vienna , which he graduated with a doctorate in 1918. Then he was assistant to Heinrich Obersteiner at the Neurological Institute and later under his successor Otto Marburg . He also worked for Johann Paul Karplus at the polyclinic. In 1924 he completed his habilitation and became a private lecturer. He was recommended to Temple University Medical School in Philadelphia by one of his American students , where he became professor of experimental and applied neurology in 1930. One reason for his emigration was the increasing anti-Semitism in Austria. He headed the newly created department of experimental neurology and retired in 1967. After his retirement he became Director of Research at the National Parkinson Foundation in Miami.

In a paper in Science from 1947, he introduced stereotactic brain surgery with surgeon Henry T. Wycis , who had studied with him . The first patient whose operation they reported had Huntington's disease (they made lesions with alcohol injections in the globus pallidus and thalamus ). In animals, stereotactic surgery was introduced by Horsley and Clarke in the early 20th century.

In 1964 he received the Otfrid Foerster Medal . In 1938 he was the founder of the journal Confinia Neurologica and then its editor. In 1968 he was founding president of the International Society for Stereoencephalotomy. He was an honorary doctor from the University of Vienna.

His wife Mona Spiegel Adolf was doctorate colloid -Chemikerin.


  • PL Gildenberg, A tribute to Ernest A. Spiegel, Confinia Neurologica, Volume 37, 1975, pp. 317-328
  • PL Gildenberg: History of stereotactic surgery in US, in: Andres Lozano, Philip Gildenberg, Ronald Tasker (Hrsg.), Textbook of stereotactic and functional neurosurgery, 2nd edition, Springer 2009


  • with HT Wycis, M. Marks, AJ Lee: Stereotaxic Apparatus for Operations on the Human Brain, Science, Volume 106, 1947, pp. 349-350, PMID 17777432
  • The centers of the autonomic nervous system: (anatomy, physiology and topical diagnostics), Springer 1928
  • Experimental neurology; Physiology and pathology of the nervous system, Berlin: Karger 1928
  • with Ignaz Sommer: Ophthalmo- and Oto-neurology; a textbook for students and doctors, Springer 1931
    • English edition: Neurology of the eye, ear, nose, and throat, Grune & Stratton 1944
  • with Henry Wycis: Stereoencephalotomy; thalamotomy and related procedures, Grune & Stratton, 2 volumes, 1952, 1962
  • with Philip Gildenberg : Guided brain operations: methodological and clinical developments in stereotactic surgery: contributions to the physiology of subcortical structures, Karger 1982

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ PL Gildenberg: Spiegel and Wycis - the early years, Stereotact. Funct. Neurosurg., Volume 77, 2001, pp. 11-16. PMID 12378049